Recent Fire Damage Posts

Understanding Residential Fire Damage in Older Homes: A Comprehensive Guide by SERVPRO Team Cox

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Older homes have a charm and character that modern buildings often lack. However, they also come with unique challenges, especially when it comes to fire safety and damage. At SERVPRO® Team Cox, we understand the complexities involved in restoring older homes after a fire. This comprehensive guide will explore the specific issues related to residential fire damage in older homes and how our expert team can help you restore your cherished property to its original glory.

The Vulnerability of Older Homes to Fire Damage

Older homes, while beautiful and full of history, are often more susceptible to fire damage for several reasons:

  1. Outdated Electrical Systems: Many older homes were built before the advent of modern electrical standards. Outdated wiring, insufficient electrical panels, and lack of ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) increase the risk of electrical fires.
  2. Aging Materials: The materials used in older homes, such as wood framing, may have deteriorated over time, making them more flammable.
  3. Lack of Fire-Resistant Features: Modern homes are built with fire-resistant materials and designs, such as fire-rated drywall and sprinkler systems. Older homes often lack these features.
  4. Hidden Hazards: Over the years, older homes may have undergone numerous renovations and repairs. These modifications can introduce hidden hazards, such as compromised structural integrity or the presence of hazardous materials like asbestos.

The Immediate Steps After a Fire in an Older Home

When a fire occurs in an older home, immediate action is crucial to mitigate damage and begin the restoration process:

  1. Safety First: Ensure the safety of all occupants and pets. Do not re-enter the home until it has been declared safe by the fire department.
  2. Contact SERVPRO Team Cox: Our 24/7 emergency services mean we can respond promptly to assess the situation and begin restoration.
  3. Initial Assessment: We conduct a thorough inspection to determine the extent of fire, smoke, and soot damage, as well as any water damage from firefighting efforts.
  4. Board-Up and Tarp Services: To secure the property and prevent further damage, we provide emergency board-up and roof-tarp services.

The Restoration Process for Fire-Damaged Older Homes

Restoring an older home after a fire requires specialized knowledge and techniques. Here’s how SERVPRO Team Cox approaches the restoration process:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: We perform a detailed assessment to understand the full extent of the damage, including structural issues, smoke and soot infiltration, and water damage.
  2. Water Removal and Drying: If water damage is present, we use industrial-grade dehumidifiers and air movers to thoroughly dry the affected areas, preventing mold growth.
  3. Smoke and Soot Removal: Our advanced equipment and techniques effectively remove smoke and soot from all surfaces, including hidden areas like ductwork.
  4. Cleaning and Sanitizing: We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all restorable items and structures. This process includes odor removal using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.
  5. Restoration and Repairs: We handle both minor and major repairs, from replacing drywall and painting to reconstructing damaged areas. Our goal is to restore the home to its pre-fire condition while preserving its historical integrity.

Addressing the Unique Challenges of Older Homes

Restoring older homes requires a careful approach to preserve their unique features and historical value:

  • Historical Preservation: We work closely with homeowners and preservationists to ensure that restoration efforts do not compromise the home’s historical significance.
  • Custom Solutions: Each older home is unique, and we tailor our restoration solutions to address the specific needs and challenges of the property.
  • Modern Upgrades: Where appropriate, we recommend modern upgrades, such as updated electrical systems and fire-resistant materials, to enhance the home’s safety while maintaining its character.

Preventive Measures for Older Homes

While it’s impossible to eliminate all risks, taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of fire damage in older homes:

  • Electrical Inspections: Regularly inspect and update the electrical system to meet modern safety standards.
  • Fire Alarms and Detectors: Install and maintain smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors throughout the home.
  • Fire-Resistant Materials: Consider using fire-resistant materials during renovations and repairs.
  • Fire Safety Plan: Develop and regularly update a fire safety plan, ensuring all occupants know how to respond in case of a fire.

Residential fire damage in older homes presents unique challenges, but with the right approach, restoration is not only possible but can also preserve the home’s historical value. SERVPRO Team Cox is dedicated to helping homeowners navigate the complexities of fire damage restoration, providing expert services tailored to the unique needs of older homes. Our comprehensive approach ensures your cherished property is restored efficiently and effectively, preserving its character and enhancing its safety. If you ever face the unfortunate event of a fire, trust SERVPRO Team Cox to be your partner in recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in restoring your historic home. Call us at 704-393-7890.

Understanding Residential Fire Damage: Insights from SERVPRO Team Cox

6/28/2024 (Permalink)

A fire in a home is a devastating event that can leave families feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. The immediate aftermath of a residential fire involves not only the visible destruction caused by flames but also hidden dangers such as smoke, soot, and water damage from firefighting efforts. At SERVPRO® Team Cox, we understand the emotional and practical challenges homeowners face after a fire. Our goal is to provide comprehensive restoration services to help families rebuild and move forward.

The Impact of Residential Fire Damage

Residential fire damage goes beyond the charred remains of furniture and belongings. It includes a range of issues that can compromise the safety and integrity of a home. From structural damage to health hazards from smoke and soot, the effects of a fire can be extensive and long-lasting.

The Restoration Process

At SERVPRO Team Cox, we follow a meticulous approach to restore homes affected by fire damage:

  1. Assessment and Inspection
    • Our experts perform a thorough inspection to determine the extent of fire, smoke, and water damage.
    • We create a detailed restoration plan tailored to the specific needs of the home.
  2. Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarping
    • To prevent further damage and secure the property, we provide immediate board-up and roof-tarping services.
  3. Water Removal and Drying
    • Using advanced equipment, we extract water left by firefighting efforts and dry the affected areas to prevent mold growth.
  4. Smoke and Soot Removal
    • We use specialized techniques and equipment to clean and remove smoke and soot from all surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and personal belongings.
  5. Cleaning and Sanitizing
    • Our team cleans and sanitizes all restorable items and structures damaged by the fire.
    • We use industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment to eliminate odors.
  6. Restoration and Reconstruction
    • We handle all aspects of the restoration process, including minor repairs such as drywall replacement, painting, and major reconstruction as needed.

Key Considerations in Residential Fire Damage Restoration

  • Safety and Health Concerns: The presence of smoke, soot, and potentially hazardous materials requires specialized cleaning and restoration methods to ensure the safety of the home's occupants.
  • Emotional Impact: Losing a home or personal belongings to a fire can be emotionally distressing. Our team provides compassionate support and guidance throughout the restoration process.
  • Insurance Coordination: We assist with the insurance claims process, providing detailed documentation of the damage and the restoration work performed.

Why Choose SERVPRO Team Cox?

SERVPRO Team Cox is a trusted leader in the restoration industry. Here’s why homeowners rely on us for residential fire damage restoration:

  • Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in handling residential fire damage, our team has the knowledge and skills to manage complex restoration projects.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilize the latest restoration technology and equipment to ensure efficient and effective results.
  • 24/7 Emergency Response: Fires can happen at any time, and we are always ready to respond to emergencies, day or night.
  • Comprehensive Services: From initial assessment to final restoration, we offer a full range of services to address all aspects of fire damage.

Steps to Take Immediately After a Fire

If your home experiences a fire, taking prompt action can help mitigate damage and facilitate the restoration process. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Ensure Safety: Evacuate the building and ensure that everyone is safe. Do not re-enter the premises until it is declared safe by authorities.
  • Contact SERVPRO Team Cox: Call us immediately to start the restoration process. Our team is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies.
  • Document the Damage: Take photos and document the extent of the damage for insurance purposes.
  • Notify Your Insurance Company: Report the fire to your insurance provider and initiate the claims process.

Preventive Measures for Residential Fire Safety

While it's crucial to know how to handle residential fire damage, it's equally important to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of fires in the first place. Here are some key steps homeowners can implement to enhance fire safety:

  1. Install Fire Detection Systems
    • Ensure that smoke detectors and fire alarms are installed throughout the home and are regularly maintained.
    • Consider advanced fire detection systems that can alert the fire department automatically.
  2. Maintain Fire Suppression Systems
    • Regularly service and maintain fire extinguishers and other suppression systems.
    • Train family members on the proper use of fire extinguishers.
  3. Develop a Fire Safety Plan
    • Create a comprehensive fire safety and evacuation plan.
    • Conduct regular fire drills to ensure all family members are familiar with evacuation routes and procedures.
  4. Electrical Safety
    • Conduct regular inspections of electrical systems and appliances to identify and rectify potential hazards.
    • Avoid overloading circuits and ensure all electrical work is performed by licensed professionals.
  5. Storage and Housekeeping
    • Store flammable materials in appropriate, clearly marked containers and keep them away from heat sources.
    • Maintain a clean and organized home to prevent the accumulation of combustible materials.
  6. Family Training
    • Provide fire safety training to all family members, including how to prevent fires and what to do in case of an emergency.
    • Encourage vigilance and immediate reporting of any fire hazards.

Case Studies: SERVPRO Team Cox in Action

To illustrate the effectiveness of our residential fire damage restoration services, here are a few case studies showcasing our work:

Case Study 1: House Fire Due to Electrical Fault

A family home experienced a significant fire caused by an electrical fault in the living room. SERVPRO Team Cox was called in to handle the restoration. Our team:

  • Conducted a thorough assessment and developed a detailed restoration plan.
  • Implemented emergency board-up services to secure the property.
  • Removed water from firefighting efforts and dried the affected areas.
  • Cleaned and restored personal belongings, including furniture and electronics.
  • Worked closely with the family to minimize disruption and ensure a smooth restoration process.

Case Study 2: Kitchen Fire in a Suburban Home

A kitchen fire in a suburban home caused extensive damage to the kitchen and surrounding areas, leaving smoke and soot throughout the house. SERVPRO Team Cox responded immediately to:

  • Assess the damage and develop a comprehensive restoration strategy.
  • Clean and restore the kitchen appliances, cabinetry, and countertops.
  • Remove odors and sanitize the entire house.
  • Coordinate with the homeowners to ensure a swift and efficient restoration process.

The SERVPRO Team Cox Commitment

At SERVPRO Team Cox, we are dedicated to providing top-notch residential fire damage restoration services. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our:

  • Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize the needs and concerns of our clients, ensuring transparent communication and personalized service.
  • Skilled Technicians: Our team consists of highly trained and certified professionals who are experts in fire damage restoration.
  • Quality Assurance: We adhere to the highest industry standards and continually update our practices to incorporate the latest advancements in restoration technology.

Contact Us

If your home has been affected by residential fire damage, don't hesitate to reach out to SERVPRO Team Cox. Our experienced team is ready to assist you with comprehensive restoration services that will help you rebuild and move forward. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you recover from fire damage and ensure your home is safe and restored. With SERVPRO Team Cox by your side, you can rest assured that your home is in the hands of trusted professionals dedicated to restoring your property and peace of mind. Call us at 704-393-7890.

Understanding Fire Damage: A SERVPRO Perspective

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

Fire damage can be devastating, affecting both the structure of your home and the well-being of those who live there. At SERVPRO®, we understand the emotional and physical toll that fire damage can cause, and we are here to help you through every step of the restoration process. Here's what you need to know about fire damage and how we can assist you:

Key Aspects of Fire Damage Restoration

  • Immediate Response: Time is of the essence when dealing with fire damage. Our 24/7 emergency services ensure that we can respond quickly to mitigate further damage.
  • Assessment and Inspection: We conduct a thorough inspection to determine the extent of the fire damage, including smoke and soot residue and water damage from firefighting efforts.
  • Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service: To prevent further damage from weather or vandalism, we provide board-up and roof-tarp services.
  • Water Removal and Drying: Firefighting efforts often lead to water damage. We use advanced equipment to remove water and completely dry the affected areas.
  • Smoke and Soot Removal: Smoke and soot can penetrate surfaces and leave lingering odors. We employ specialized cleaning methods to remove these residues from walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.
  • Cleaning and Sanitizing: Personal items and structures affected by fire damage need to be cleaned and sanitized to remove odors and prevent mold growth.
  • Restoration: The final step is restoring your home or business to its pre-fire condition, which may include minor repairs, painting, and installing new carpet or major reconstruction of entire rooms.

Why Choose SERVPRO for Fire Damage Restoration?

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team has extensive experience and specialized training in fire damage restoration. We follow industry best practices to ensure the highest quality of service.
  • Advanced Technology: We use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to provide efficient and effective fire damage restoration.
  • Comprehensive Services: From initial assessment to complete restoration, we offer a full range of services to handle every aspect of fire damage.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: We understand the stress and trauma that come with fire damage. Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing support and guidance throughout the entire process.
  • Insurance Assistance: We work closely with insurance companies to streamline the claims process and ensure you receive the coverage you need.

Preventing Fire Damage

While fire damage can be unpredictable, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk:

  • Install Smoke Alarms: Ensure smoke alarms are installed on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas. Test them monthly and replace batteries annually.
  • Practice Fire Safety: Create and practice a fire escape plan with your family. Make sure everyone knows at least two ways to exit each room.
  • Maintain Electrical Systems: Have a licensed electrician inspect your home’s electrical system regularly. Avoid overloading circuits and using damaged cords.
  • Be Cautious with Flammable Materials: Store flammable materials safely and keep them away from heat sources.
  • Clean and Inspect Chimneys: Regularly clean and inspect chimneys, fireplaces, and wood stoves to prevent the buildup of flammable creosote.

SERVPRO's Commitment to Excellence in Fire Damage Restoration

At SERVPRO®, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence in every fire damage restoration project we undertake. Our goal is to restore not just your property but also your peace of mind. Here are a few additional ways we ensure top-notch service:

Thorough Documentation: We document every step of the fire damage restoration process, providing detailed reports and photographs. This transparency helps with insurance claims and keeps you informed about the progress.

Safety First: We prioritize safety at every stage of the restoration process. Our team follows strict safety protocols to protect both the occupants of the property and our technicians.

Ongoing Communication: Effective communication is key to a successful restoration project. We maintain regular contact with you, updating you on our progress and addressing any concerns you may have.

Post-Restoration Support: Our service doesn’t end once the restoration is complete. We offer post-restoration support to ensure you are completely satisfied with the results and to address any additional needs you may have.

Real-Life Examples of SERVPRO Fire Damage Restoration

Case Study 1: Residential Fire Damage Restoration

A local family experienced significant fire damage in their home after a kitchen fire. The fire caused extensive smoke and soot damage throughout the house. SERVPRO Team Cox responded promptly, providing emergency board-up services, and beginning the cleanup process immediately. We used advanced equipment to remove smoke and soot residues and implemented specialized deodorization techniques to eliminate lingering odors. Our team worked diligently to restore the property, ensuring that the family could return to a safe and clean home.

Case Study 2: Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

A commercial property suffered fire damage due to an electrical malfunction. The fire affected multiple offices and caused significant structural damage. SERVPRO Team Cox was on-site quickly to assess the damage and begin the restoration process. We coordinated with the business owner and their insurance company to develop a comprehensive restoration plan. Our team handled everything from water removal and drying to reconstruction and final cleaning. The business was able to resume operations with minimal disruption, thanks to our efficient and thorough restoration services.

Dealing with fire damage can be a daunting experience, but you don’t have to face it alone. SERVPRO Team Cox is here to provide the expertise, support, and restoration services you need to recover from fire damage. Whether it’s a small kitchen fire or a large commercial blaze, we have the skills and resources to handle any situation.

Don’t wait to get the help you need. Contact SERVPRO Team Cox at 704-393-7890 today to learn more about our fire damage restoration services and how we can assist you. Our team is ready to respond 24/7, ensuring that we’re there when you need us most. Let us help you restore your property and your peace of mind after fire damage.

For immediate assistance, call us at 704-393-7890. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Stay Warm and Safe: Heating Equipment Safety Tips

11/2/2023 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we've seen the aftermath of heating equipment-related incidents, which can lead to fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, and property damage. To keep your home cozy and safe, we're sharing essential heating equipment safety tips in this blog post.

  1. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your heating equipment in good working condition. Ensure that your heating system is inspected, cleaned, and serviced by a professional at least once a year. This includes furnaces, boilers, and chimneys.

  1. Check for Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that can be emitted from heating equipment. Install CO detectors in your home, particularly in areas near heating equipment, bedrooms, and common spaces. Test these detectors regularly and replace their batteries as needed.

  1. Ventilation Matters

Proper ventilation is crucial for heating equipment that uses combustion. Ensure that chimneys and flues are clear of obstructions, such as nests or debris, to allow the safe escape of exhaust gases. An obstructed vent can lead to a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide.

  1. Flammable Material Safety

Keep all flammable materials, such as paper, clothing, and furniture, away from heating equipment. Maintain a safe clearance distance to prevent the risk of fires. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the minimum clearance required.

  1. Space Heater Safety

If you use space heaters, exercise caution. Place them on a stable, non-flammable surface and keep them away from combustible materials. Use space heaters with an automatic shutoff feature, which turns off the unit if it tips over.

  1. Electrical Safety

For electric heaters, inspect cords and plugs regularly for damage. Do not overload electrical outlets with multiple heating appliances. Ensure that you're using the appropriate extension cords for the heater's power requirements.

  1. Maintain Smoke and Fire Alarms

Test smoke and fire alarms in your home regularly, and replace the batteries as needed. Install alarms near heating equipment, bedrooms, and common areas. These alarms can provide early warning in case of a fire.

  1. Chimney Cleaning

If you have a fireplace, it's essential to have the chimney cleaned and inspected annually by a professional chimney sweep. Creosote buildup and debris in the chimney can pose a fire hazard.

  1. Keep Combustibles at a Distance

Keep all combustibles, such as firewood, newspapers, and cleaning supplies, a safe distance from heating equipment. Avoid using the top of a furnace or stove for storage.

  1. Emergency Shut-Off

Know the location of the emergency shut-off switch for your heating equipment. If you suspect a problem, such as a gas leak or an equipment malfunction, use this switch to turn off the heating system and contact a professional for assistance.

  1. Fire Extinguisher

Have a fire extinguisher in your home and ensure that it's easily accessible. Know how to use it in case of a small fire. In the event of a larger fire, evacuate your home and call 911.

  1. Insulation and Sealing

Proper insulation and sealing in your home help retain heat, reducing the need to overwork heating equipment. Check for drafts around doors and windows and add insulation in your attic and walls to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Heating equipment is essential for staying warm during the colder months, but it must be used with safety in mind. By following these heating equipment safety tips, you can ensure a cozy, warm, and most importantly, safe living environment for you and your family. If you suspect a problem, or have suffered damage due to heating equipment, call SERVPRO today and our team of experts will get you back to normal tomorrow.

Protect Your Home from Winter Fires

1/31/2023 (Permalink)

Fire Home Winter Fire Protecting

Most home fires in South Carolina happen during the winter season. Follow these fire safety tips to keep your home and family safe:

  • Keep area around heating equipment clear of flammables.
  • If you use a fireplace, have the chimney swept yearly, use a sturdy screen to stop sparks and store ashes outside at least 10 feet away from the house. 
  • Use space heaters with automatic shut-offs and keep pets & children 3 feet away.
  • Test smoke & carbon monoxide alarms and make sure batteries are fresh.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher on each floor and teach family members how to use it.
  • Keep baking soda by the stove to combat grease fires.

December is the peak time of year for home candle fires; the top three days for home candle fires are Christmas, New Year’s Day, and New Year’s Eve.


Heating is the second leading cause of U.S. home fires, deaths and injuries. December, January and February are the peak months for heating fires. 

Carbon Monoxide

Often called the invisible killer, carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas created when fuels such as gasoline, wood, coal, propane, etc. do not burn completely. In the home, heating and cooking equipment that burn fuel are potential sources of CO. Carbon monoxide incidents are more common during the winter months, and in residential properties. 

Winter storms

Home fires occur more in the winter than in any other season, and heating equipment is involved in one of every six reported home fires, and one in every five home fire deaths.


Portable generators are useful during power outages, however, many homeowners are unaware that the improper use of portable generators can be risky. The most common dangers associated with portable generators are carbon monoxide poisoning, electrical shock, and fires. 


Electrical home fires are a leading cause of home fires in the United States. Almost half of all home electrical fires involved electrical distribution or lighting equipment, and almost another half involved other known types of equipment like washer or dryer fans, and portable or stationary space heaters.

Why Professionals Should Exclusively Handle Smoke and Fire Damage

8/26/2021 (Permalink)

If you have suffered fire damage you may think you can read a few manuals and be able to clean the mess up yourself. But if you attempt that, you may be costing yourself valuable possessions and thousands of dollars in additional restoration fees. Fire clean up is a complicated process that should only be handled by professionals.

Just because the firefighters are gone doesn’t mean that everything is safe. The building is not back to normal until professionals have restored it. The process sounds simple but the job requires a lot of experience and manpower to adequately restore a burnt building. A homeowner should never attempt. 

While the fire may be the immediate danger, the remnants of the fire will continue to affect the house. If ash and smoke is left untreated, it can cause extended corrosion, etching and discoloration, and powerful lingering odors. Professionals that have the right training and experience can stop this from happening before it becomes a major problem if they’re called in a timely manner.

Many companies claim to have the ability to restore buildings that have suffered fire damage but only those that have the right training and certification, like SERVPRO, should be considered. The agency that oversees these qualified companies is the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). To earn their certification, registrants must complete extensive coursework preparing them for on-site restoration.

If professionals are called in immediately, they can clean up and restore the building to its original state but if not, they may not be able to salvage all the damage. The first thing that ash does is to discolor most surfaces. Within minutes, anything that’s made of plastic or was located near the fire will begin discoloration. Fiberglass and finishes that are on appliances will begin to yellow within hours of the fire being extinguished. Also within the first few hours, metals may begin to tarnish. After the first few days, the ash will cause the permanent discoloration of walls, clothing, and upholstery. All wood or vinyl furnishings throughout the building will need to be either refinished or replaced and metal will start corroding within the first few days.

The state of the building’s appliances and furnishings will be significantly impacted during the first few days if professionals are not immediately called in to clean up and restore the building but that’s not the only trouble that can be avoided. The cost of restoration will be significantly less if you call them as soon as possible. This is because you may need to replace metals, the carpets will be permanently discolored, and glass will be severely etched and need to be replaced. It’s possible that odors that have been caused by the fire may still be present and may be intense enough that it may distract people in the building. And because ash is acidic, the longer it takes for the professionals to arrive on the scene the more permanent damage will be caused.

When the professionals first arrive on the scene, the first thing that they’ll do is to identify all affected materials and the source of any odors. The only way that they can clean the smoke and fire damage so that the building is restored to its original state is to be extremely thorough in their investigation. Ash residue can very easily be disturbed and spread throughout the building forcing everything it comes in contact with to need restoration. The professionals that arrive on the scene will be able to identify what can and what can’t be salvaged.

Over time, ash builds up into layers and it can eventually form into a lacquer-like consistency. So when the professionals arrive, they will remove the build-up of ash residue that’s coating the building.

The professional restorers will also locate the source of any odors caused by the fire and treat it with specialized detergents that are formulated specifically to neutralize these kinds of odors. Once the professionals are done treating the odors, they may seal the building off to prevent any further odor from spreading through the air.

After a fire it may be tempting to attempt to clean the building, especially if there doesn’t appear to be that much damage. However, that decision can have negative lasting effects. If you have fire damage and need cleanup and restoration, call SERVPRO to ensure a safe and quality restoration.

Insuring Your Home Against Fire Damage

8/26/2021 (Permalink)

A fire is probably the most devastating event that can occur in your home. A small fire can quickly become an inferno and spread until all of your belongings are destroyed. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 2013 saw 387,000 residential fires in the U.S. causing $7 billion worth of damage. 

The NFPA says that there are numerous causes of fires in the home ranging from kitchen appliances being left on to lightning strikes. Even if you do all you can to prevent a fire from occurring in your home, sometimes they are unpreventable. So it’s important that homeowners protect their property investments with the proper insurance.

Fire Insurance Coverage

Depending on what type of property insurance you have, you may already be covered for a fire. Providers offer different coverage options so it’s important that you review your details carefully and understand exactly what kind of protection you have.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average fire claim is in excess of $37,150. The two most common ways to insure your home against fires are standard home insurance and dwelling fire coverage.

Standard Home Insurance

If you are a homeowner, your mortgage likely required you to purchase a homeowners insurance policy. These standard home insurance policies typically cover fire damage. They might also protect your personal contents such as furniture, electronics, or other personal possessions.

Many policies will also include loss of use coverage. If your home becomes uninhabitable due to a claim that is covered by your policy, your loss of use coverage will kick in. Under this type of coverage, the insurance company may reimburse you for your extra living expenses while your home is in the process of being either repaired or rebuilt.

If you live in an apartment or if you rent your home, the landlord likely will have purchased coverage for the building. However, you’ll be responsible for protecting your own belongings. Standard renters policies are relatively cheap and can provide coverage for your personal property in the event of a fire.

Dwelling Fire Coverage

Dwelling fire coverage is generally less comprehensive than standard home insurance. Similar to standard home insurance it protects the building itself and other structures on the property. It also generally offers loss of use coverage if you have to relocate for a period of time. However, this type of insurance doesn’t cover your personal belongings or personal liability protection. Dwelling fire coverage is generally best used to protect a vacation home or a vacant home where you’ll have less of your personal belongings around.

How to File a Claim

Before filing your claim on a fire, you should take photos of the damage. Having the proper documentation available can make the process of filing the claim go much smoother.

After you have all the damage surveyed and documented, it’s time to contact the insurer and file the claim. The insurer will send a claims adjuster to your property to assess the damage and put together a cost estimate.

Once the claims adjuster has finished assessing the damage the repairs can begin on the property. Depending on the damage, repairs to your property could take anywhere from weeks to months to complete. Throughout the ordeal, it’s important to stay organized. Keep all emails, invoices, estimates, and any other documentation you may have received that relates to the damage.

Another way to make the process smoother is to have a full, up-to-date inventory detailing all of the items in your home. If you happen to lose everything in the fire, this inventory can help you to remember all of the items that you need replaced. In case your list happens to be destroyed in the fire as well, you should keep an electronic copy of the inventory that you can pull up if needed. If you prefer, there are some home inventory apps that you can download on your smartphone.

Prevent Fires Before They Start

No matter how prepared you are, a fire always has the potential to occur. But basic knowledge of fire safety can significantly reduce the chances that one will destroy your home. It’s important that you have basic fire safety knowledge and outfit your home with fire safety equipment.

Smoke alarms, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers can prevent a small fire from turning into flames that engulf your home. Having fire safety equipment can also help you to save money on your home insurance premium. Many home insurance providers will offer discounts if you have smoke alarms and sprinkler systems installed in your home.

It’s also important to make sure your entire family understand the basics of fire safety. Some basics to include are an evacuation plan, knowledge of potential fire causes, and a copy of the NFPA’s tips from the fire safety information section of their website.

Regardless of how prepared you are, a fire is always a possibility in your home. So it’s important to have insurance that will cover you should something happen. If you do suffer a fire, have the professionals at SERVPRO come and restore your home and possessions.

Steps To Prevent A Lint Fire

5/19/2021 (Permalink)

Steps to Prevent a Lint Fire

Steps To Prevent A Lint Fire

While the kitchen is the most common room for house fires, dryer fires are another common problem. The heating of the dryer combined with lint build up can cause your dryer to burst into flames. A lint fire is scary, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent it.

Safety First

It's important to realize that even when the lint is properly cleaned from your dryer, there is still a chance of a dryer fire. For this reason, you should never run your dryer:

  • When you are sleeping
  • When you are not home
  • When you are going to be outdoors

Leaving your dryer unattended can cause the fire to spread further, which can cause extensive damage. In addition, unplug your dryer before you start cleaning out the lint.

Vacuum Out the Lint Screen and Dryer

You probably already clean out your lint screen every time you start a new load. However, a lot of lint can get past the screen, and eventually lead to a lint fire. Take your vacuum attachment and clean underneath and around the lint screen the best you can. Refer to your owner's manual to see how to safely vacuum out the inside of your dryer.

Cleaning Out the Hose

Pull out any lint you can reach after removing the hose from the back of your dryer and the wall. If you can't reach it all, use a dryer vent snake to push it all the way through. In addition, check the pathway from the hole in the wall to the outside of your house. Use the snake to ensure that all of the lint is out of the vent.

These steps can help reduce your risk of a lint fire. You should do this at least once every six months, and more often if you do a lot of laundry. If you do experience a dryer fire, let your fire restoration experts do what needs to be done to cleanup the mess.

Fire Safety: Candle Edition

5/13/2021 (Permalink)

Taking caution and being careful when using candles can help you avoid a fire.

There’s a special beauty and tranquility to candles, but a lighted candle is also an open flame, and a potential fire hazard if not carefully monitored. In fact, an estimated 8,200 home fires are started by candles each year according to the National Fire Protection Association.

A study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests that 85 percent of candle fires could be avoided if consumers followed three basic safety rules:

  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.
  • Never burn a candle on or near anything that might catch fire.
  • Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Never use water to extinguish a candle
  • Never use a candle as a night light or while you may fall asleep.

How to Burn a Candle Safely

Before Lighting:

  • Before burning, always trim the wick to ¼ inch. You can use a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning, dripping or flaring.
  • Keep the wax pool clear of wick trimmings, matches and debris at all times.
  • Always use a candleholder specifically designed for candle use. It should be heat resistant, sturdy, and large enough to contain any drips or melted wax.

 Burn candles in a well-ventilated room:

  •  Avoid drafts, vents or air currents. This will help prevent rapid or uneven burning, sooting, and excessive dripping.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on burn time and proper use. In general, it is recommended that candles do not burn for longer than four hours and cool for at least two hours before relighting.
  • When lighting a candle, use long matches or a long-reach lighter. Keep your hair and loose clothing away from the flame.

While Burning:

  • Never leave a candle unattended.
  • Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, books, paper, flammable decorations, etc.
  • Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets. Do not place lighted candles where they can be knocked over by children, pets or anyone else.
  • Never touch or move a candle while it is burning or while the wax is liquefied.
  • Don’t burn a candle all the way down. For a margin of safety, discontinue burning a candle when 1/2 inch remains in the container or 2 inches if using a pillar candle.
  • Place burning candles at least three inches apart from one another. This is to make sure they don’t melt one another, or create their own drafts that will cause the candles to burn improperly.
  • Extinguish a candle if the flame becomes too high or flickers repeatedly. Let the candle cool, trim the wick, and check for unwanted drafts before re-lighting.
  • Never use a candle as a night light or while you may fall asleep.
  • Be very careful if using candles during a power outage. Flashlights and other battery-powered lights are safer sources of light during a power failure. Never use a candle during a power outage to look for things in a closet, or when fueling equipment – such as a lantern or kerosene heater.

When Extinguishing a Candle: 

  • Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle. It’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering.
  • Never use water to extinguish a candle. Water can cause the hot wax to splatter and might break a glass container.
  • Make sure the candle is completely out and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room.
  • Don’t touch or move the candle until it has completely cooled.
  • Never use a knife or sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass holder. It might scratch, weaken, or cause the glass to break upon subsequent use.

Despite taking caution and being careful, mistakes can happen. If you do experience fire damage, give SERVPRO of Rock Hill and York County a call at (803) 324-5780.

Here are Four Fire-Safe Candle Alternatives

5/13/2021 (Permalink)

Here are Four Fire-Safe Candle Alternatives

Candles are used to create decorative lighting, effects or release fragrances. Whether you are looking for safer mood lighting or a way to diffuse a scent without any risk of a candle fire, here are four fire-safe candle alternatives.

1. Battery-Powered Candles

A flameless electric alternative to candles can be placed anywhere for decorative or lighting purposes. Electric candles come in a wide variety of colors, heights, thicknesses and designs. Some battery-powered models are also designed to release fragrances.

2. Strings of Lights

Another way to get a candle-lit look is to string up Christmas or fairy lights. Strings of lights are designed with fire safety in mind. Choose from strands of single-color or multicolor bulbs. It is also possible to set up lights to blink or flicker if desired. Ultra-efficient LED bulbs make replacements affordable and keep energy costs low.

3. Candle Warmers

A candle warmer may be the best option among these candle alternatives for fans of scented candles. A warmer makes it possible to enjoy these fragrances with a much lower fire risk. A warmer may be a base on which a candle sits or resemble a lamp.

4. Diffusers

Reed diffusers do not resemble candles. For a different look, reeds in oil can be an attractive, creative and flameless way to release a scent. Diffusers have an even lower risk of fire than an electric candle warmer.

Most candle fires occur around the holidays. Battery-powered candle alternatives and strings of lights are safer options for illuminated decorations. Warmers and diffusers are useful for spreading a fragrance throughout a home with a lower risk of fire. If a fire starts due to a candle or any other cause, you should attempt to extinguish the flames or contact the fire department. Fire damage restoration experts can restore or replace damaged building materials at a residence in York County.

4 Most Common Causes Of House Fires

5/10/2021 (Permalink)

We’ve compiled a list of 4 of the most common causes of house fires so you know what precautions to take to avoid your home catching ablaze.

Knowledge comes before prevention, which is why it's important to educate yourself regarding potential disasters that could occur. While it’s never fun imagining all the “what-ifs,” it’s an integral step to strategizing and planning how you can take the necessary steps to avoid the “what-ifs” to the best of your abilities. Knowing the most common causes of house fires are is a proactive first step.

We’ve compiled a list of 4 of the most common causes of house fires so you know what precautions to take to avoid your home catching ablaze.

1) Cooking

You probably already guessed—cooking is the most common cause of house fires across the country. We frequent our kitchens often to cook meals (or even just to microwave them), and many of the kitchen appliances we frequently use include electrical components as well as open flames if you have a gas stove. Your microwave, stove, oven, and even your fridge and dishwasher are susceptible to causing house fires while you cook if you don’t properly clean up grease and other flammable materials that you may use while cooking. Overheating food in the microwave leading to combustion fires is also very real! Be careful while cooking, and don’t forget to clean up as you go or, at the very least, after you’re done cooking.

2) Heaters

Heaters are another common culprit of house fires. They are often placed too close to clothes, furniture, bedding, fabric, and other flammable materials, which can burst into flames if they become too hot. Having clothing hung over them to dry or placing them too close to curtains are also common ways that heaters cause house fires. Always use space heaters with caution. Make sure they’re placed on even ground and are at least two feet away from anything flammable. Heaters should also be regularly cleaned. 

3) Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes can lead to deadly house fires. Be careful about where and when you smoke cigarettes to avoid house fires at all costs. Cigarettes and other materials that are smoked should always be properly extinguished and disposed of, and flicking them into shrubs, onto your porch or balcony, or elsewhere is a potential recipe for disaster. Be vigilant and stay safe while smoking near your home, if you do it at all.

4) Washing Machines and Dryers

Laundry appliances, in particular clothes dryers, are another very common cause of house fires. The build-up of lint, dust, dirt, as well as the clothes circulating within clothes dryers, can catch aflame within the machine or due to lint in the external dryer vent. Washing machines and clothes dryers can alight because of electrical faults, and this is also true of any large kitchen appliances or other appliances like furnaces, fireplaces, and wood stoves that you may have in your home.

No matter what may cause damage to your home, whether it be fire, water, a storm, or mold, our team at SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County can help you at a moment’s notice.  Contact us at (803) 324-5780 to reach highly trained technicians and have one sent on their way to you! 

Home Fire Pit Tips

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

For all your fire and water mitigation needs, call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County at (803) 324-5780.

Here in York County, SC its a tradition to enjoy the cooler nights outside around a homemade fire pit! Many of us are looking forward to spending time gathering around them to enjoy time with family and friends. Before you start dreaming of moonlit nights and toasted marshmallows, take a moment to check out some of these tips to remember.

Backyard Fire Pit Safety Tips:

  • Whether you prefer a built-in or portable fire pit, choose one that is not too large for the area. The pit should be a minimum of 10 feet away from any structures or combustible materials as well as away from trees, fences, sheds, power lines, and telephone wires.
  • Make sure that the seating area is large enough and properly placed for comfort and ventilation.
  • Check wind direction before lighting a fire.
  • Don’t use flammable fluids (gasoline, lighter fluid, etc.) to light or relight fires.
  • To start the fire, use a lighter to ignite crumpled pieces of paper covered with small sticks. Then, add larger sticks and a log or two to keep it burning. 
  • Burn only dry material. Damp material will create excess smoke. 
  • Don’t wear flammable clothing (like nylon) or any loose-fitting clothing.
  • Never leave the fire unattended, and keep pets and children far away from the fire as they will be attracted to it.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher, garden hose, or bucket of water nearby.
  • As the fire dies down, use a shovel and spread out the ashes to allow them to cool down. Then slowly pour water over those ashes and watch them closely to be sure that no burning embers remain or reignite. Put the cooled ashes in a specially designated ash storage metal can. 

Just remember SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is here for you 24/7 at (803) 324-5780.

Smoke & Soot Facts

8/7/2020 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County For Any of Your Smoke or Soot Damage Needs.

Smoke and soot from a fire is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County’s smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  The professionals at SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County 24/7 @ (803) 324-5780.

Fire of Soot Damage in Your Home? SERVPRO Can Help.

2/28/2020 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County to help with your fire and soot damage.

After a fire, homeowners commonly find soot on ceilings, walls, and other objects or materials in their homes. Most wall surfaces, including painted drywall, brick, or wallpaper, are porous. Soot consists of fine particles that can penetrate deeply into porous surfaces, causing lingering odors and stains.

Most of the time, it's possible to remove soot from ceilings and walls, but in serious cases, it may be necessary to remove, repaint or reinstall affected materials like wallpaper and drywall. To get the best outcome from soot clean up after fire damage in your residence, you should hire a professional restoration firm like SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County. Our fire restoration experts are equipped to handle the smoke, ash, and soot cleanup process quickly and effectively. We begin soot cleanup by removing most of the dry soot using a duster, HEPA vacuum or dry cleaning sponge.

When cleaning some surfaces like wallpaper, the appropriate method to use is dry cleaning. Other surfaces can respond well and tolerate wet cleaning procedures. Using a chemical-dry sponge or a dry-cleaning sponge is appropriate when a high oxygen fire has caused soot to build up in a particular area. The soot can smear and leave an unsightly stain if one attempts to use a wet cleaning method. Before we perform any wet cleaning procedures, we test the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous, small area like behind a switch plate to see if it causes any staining.

Soot can cause further damage in your home if it is ground and smudged into paint, plaster, wallpaper, walls, upholstery, and carpets. The odor that soot can cause is difficult to eradicate with typical cleaning methods and household products. Normal household vacuums are inefficient in removing soot and ash for they redeposit the particles around a house which can contaminate previously unaffected rooms and areas. Our SERVPRO technicians can use HEPA vacuums to remove soot from the affected areas, including sockets and light switches. If you do not clean these fixtures before use, short-circuiting can occur. HEPA vacuums trap the particles, preventing them from redepositing.

For help in removing soot from your home, contact SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County at (803) 324-5780. We have the tools and expertise to deal with the aftermath of a fire and restore your property to its pre-fire damage condition.

Fire Safety and Home Cooking

2/27/2020 (Permalink)

Always remember, oil and water can cause large scale fires in your kitchen.

Cooking is an everyday activity that occurs in the majority of households, but did you know that the majority of household fires result from cooking? We cannot simply avoid cooking in order to lessen the risk of a fire igniting in the kitchen, but there are undoubtedly measures that can be taken both before cooking and while cooking to protect your home from a fire.

Before Cooking

Prior to cooking, make sure that your cooking surface is free from any flammable kitchen materials, including paper towels, oven mitts, or wooden objects. Grease, oil, and food debris can accumulate on stove tops and in ovens after cooking, which increases the risk of an unwanted fire igniting, so before cooking, it is beneficial to clean those areas. Finally, like ovens and stoves, pots and pans can become adorned in oil and grease from previous cooking excursions, which can instigate unwanted fires if not cleaned before they are placed in the oven or on a stove top. Taking a moment to wipe down all cooking surfaces and materials prior to cooking will help to significantly decrease the chances of a dangerous fire igniting while cooking.

While Cooking

While cooking, be sure that you remain in the kitchen and stay attentive to what you are cooking. Leaving cooking objects unattended increases the risk of a fire igniting that could quickly become out of control. Therefore, if you must leave the kitchen for a short period of time, make sure to turn off the stove. However, there are some cases, such as baking or roasting a dish for long periods of time, in which it would be unreasonable to never leave the kitchen unattended. When cooking such items, use a timer in order to remember to regularly check on the food.

Even when preventative measures are taken, there is still a chance that a fire could ignite while you are cooking. In order to protect your home, make sure that your home is equipped with smoke alarms and that a fire extinguisher is stored in the kitchen at all times. If the fire is small and manageable, extinguishing the fire yourself, may be an option. However, if the fire grows large and becomes too much to handle, exit the house safely, make sure that everyone else in the house has escaped, and call 911. Contacting the fire department will hopefully limit the damage caused by the fire to your home. However, if the damage is significant, remember to call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County at 803-324-5780, in order to ensure that the damage is remedied quickly and efficiently.

Top Ten Reasons That Cause Home Fires

1/27/2020 (Permalink)

Every home faces the potential for a numerous assortment of risks with the most dangerous of the array being a house fire. An accidental fire can occur from many household items and can easily decimate a house in minutes if it is not properly and quickly handled.

While proper insurance can help mitigate financial loss, it is better to understand and work to prevent the situations that lead to house fires of any kind. Most homes have many combustible items.

This list is meant to help homeowners not only identify potential issues but also lower the risk of someone having a house fire. Whether it’s a candle accidentally burning throughout the night, faulty cooking equipment or any other scenario, homeowners should be aware of the most common causes of house fires and work to minimize and prevent accidents before they occur.

10. Barbeque

During the outdoor cooking season, grills left unattended on a wooden deck or next to a wall of a home can bring about a fire. A heated grill next to a wooden fence can easily cause fire.  Grills have been known to ignite the exterior walls of a home or garage if they are placed too close.

9.Christmas Trees

Christmas trees are a holiday favorite for many as a staple to the holiday season, but they also come with many risks. Especially when the tree becomes dry.  A quick spark can set the whole tree on fire. Make sure to keep your trees water reservoir full and to unplug the tree when you are not at home.

8.Inadequate Wiring in The Home

These fires erupt from overheating.  To minimize this from occurring, make sure systems are installed properly with protective features.

7.Children Playing with Fire

Children are very curious and will sometimes get access to flammable objects and put property at risk. This includes matches, stove tops, candles and more. Make sure to keep lighters, candles, and matches out of reach from kids.


The lighters and matches utilized to light candles are just as dangerous as the candle themselves. Fires can start from unsupervised candles and children getting a hold of them.

5.Electrical Equipment

These fires normally erupt from short circuiting which, in turn, causes sparking to ignite materials in the household. These are difficult to locate, because they are often in hidden locations and a fire can build before the residents can know about the situation.

4.Careless Smoking

Cigarette butts are a large perpetrator for house fires as cigarettes will sometimes be left unattended or dropped.

3.Flammable liquids

Chemical fires occur from spontaneous combustion: this is a reaction of chemicals combining with oxygen to produce enough heat to ignite. Be sure to store fuels and other chemicals in proper containers that are protected from heat.

2.Heating Equipment

When in the presence of fabrics or other combustibles, personal space heaters and baseboard heaters can create a house fire. It is recommended to never leave the house with a space heater running.

1.Cooking Equipment

Out of all the scenarios, the most common residential fires come from cooking.  Cooking makes up almost half of all house fires. This can occur from grease and oil being overheated in the stove or oven.  For grease and oil to combust without needing direct flame contact, many times, the open flames and ovens are left unattended when in use and aren't attended too until it is too late. Another source to look out for are portable cooking appliances which includes electric griddles and toasters. These appliances must be cool to the touch before being stored away. You practice safety by making sure to clean pans to eliminate grease build-up along with removing crumbs and scraps from toasters and electric griddles.

Contact SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County 24/7 at 803-324-5780 if you have any questions. 

Thanksgiving Fire Safety Tips!!!

11/22/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires? Three times as many home cooking fires happen on Thanksgiving out of any other day of the year.

Fire safety in the kitchen should be on the top of your mind during Thanksgiving, especially if you are expecting lots of people and activity. Keep your home and loved ones safe this holiday by following these Thanksgiving tips:

  • Stay in the kitchen when you are using stoves and ovens.
  • Roll up your sleeves or wear short sleeves while cooking.
  • Stay in the home when you are cooking, check the turkey frequently.
  • Set timers to keep track of cook times.
  • Be sure electric cords are not dangling off the counter.
  • Keep children away from hot food and liquids.
  • Keep the floor clean to avoid tripping while cooking.
  • Make sure all cooking appliances are turned off when are done cooking.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button.

By following these safety tips, you can enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones rather than dealing with fire damage.

If you have any questions about fire safety in your home, please call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County at (803) 374-0486.

We Discuss Common Issues After A Fire In Fort Mill And Rock Hill

11/14/2019 (Permalink)

Looking for a fire damage cleanup company? We will help with any questions you may have throughout the cleanup process.

Common Issues After Commercial Fire Damage in Rock Hill And Fort Mill Properties

Whether it's an apartment complex or a brick and mortar business, there are several common issues after fire damage to a commercial property. One thing they all have in common is, they require professional cleanup and restoration.

SERVPRO technicians handle commercial fire damage in Fort Mill properties on both small and large scales. Several aspects commonly occur that technicians encounter.

Water Damage After a Fire
When firefighters use water to extinguish a fire, it leaves behind copious amounts of additional damage. SERVPRO technicians extract the water and move out items too damaged by fire and water for restoration.

Pack Out Stock and Property Contents
In cases where only a portion of the property received the effects of fire damage, containment is vital. Separating the fire loss area from other areas assists in limiting the spread of soot, which carries a foul odor as well as being unhealthy. The technicians may choose to remove stock or contents to another area of the property or perform a pack out to secure storage.

Air Quality During Fire Damage Mitigation
SERVPRO technicians ensure there is adequate ventilation during fire loss cleanup and also deploy air scrubbers to capture airborne particulate matter, particularly odor-causing soot. In some situations, the technicians use negative air chambers to limit the spread of soot.

Cleaning Smoke Residues
No matter if the fire happened in a multi-unit residential complex or a business, smoke damage is commonly an issue on surfaces in the vicinity of the fire. The technicians choose from a vast array of cleaners and solvents to release the grip of the residues on various surfaces. The technicians adjust the alkalinity as needed adding other agents to the cleaning solutions.

Removal of Smoke Odors
That slight smokey odor is not something property owners have to learn to live with and can be bad for business, especially in a high-traffic establishment such as a restaurant. It is actually an indicator that odor-causing soot remains on-site. SERVPRO skilled technicians have a diverse array of equipment to neutralize pungent odors of any size and remove all traces of the fire loss.

Commercial Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Fire Safety In Rock Hill - Kitchen

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

We are ready to roll out to your fire damage disaster and help with the cleanup.

Fire Damage Cleanup Service

Fire damage restoration is our specialty.  We are trusted experts in our field. We are here when you need us.  Before that time comes we like to provide you with information to keep you and your loved ones away from harm.  Some disasters can be prevented. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County cares about the community we serve.

Grease fires - we’ve heard of them, maybe even experienced them, but what about them?

Well, first of all, they can happen to anyone.  The most common reason a grease fire occurs is leaving a pan on the stove unattended with oil in it.  The oil heats up, smokes and eventually catches fire. You don’t have to spill grease or have something else flammable nearby.  Oil in a pan unattended, heating up past the smoking point, will get to the point it sets itself on fire.

Guess what, it’s happened to me and this may be a shocker to you but it was SILENT!  No smoke alarm, nothing. Just flames shooting up out of my pan. I was fortunate because although I did also have something very flammable next to it (another no no) it didn’t ignite.  

Enough about me.  If this happens to you, you need to smother the fire and take the oxygen away.  A metal cover or cookie sheet are good options for smothering the fire (glass will shatter from heat).  You can also use salt or baking soda but only for a very small fire otherwise you will need large amounts to dump on and smother the fire.  Flour and other items that seem like salt or baking soda are NOT the same and should not be used. It is also wise to have a special extinguisher in the kitchen for this type of fire.  Be sure you know what you are using before spraying it, all extinguishers are not created equal. The best thing to do is pay attention and don’t leave the stove unattended and, of course, call the fire department if things are out of hand.

Ok, I’ve held out long enough.  I can’t talk grease without thinking of bacon.  If you are someone that likes bacon or cooks bacon for others that like bacon…I have a method for cooking bacon your bacon eaters will love!

At first I resisted this method because I thought it would soak up too much grease, yada, yada, yada.  I’m here to tell you this method of frying bacon beats ALL other methods. I’ve never seen this method anywhere else (except my mother-in-laws kitchen). There’s no splatter, the bacon cooks evenly and it doesn’t curl up needing to be pressed to the pan.  Perfect every time and easy. (I’ve never set this on fire.)

Here’s what you do.

  1. Open bacon package of your choosing just needs to be sliced first.
  2. Cover another plate with flour (amount depends on how much bacon you cook).
  3. I take scissors and cut the bacon in half so the strips are shorter (I like this a lot!!!).
  4. Dredge each piece in the flour (both sides of bacon should be covered with flour).
  5. Place bacon on frying pan (I prefer flat electric skillet, so grease can drain off).
  6. At about 325° the bacon will cook nice and even, flip after a few minutes when the bottom is browned.
  7. Remove from pan and place on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess grease.
  8. Store in fridge or enjoy immediately.  You can even freeze it for quick use in the future.  I just warm it up in the microwave when I need it.  

There you go!  Next time you cook something, remember to be attentive and not let the oil get too hot and if you use this recipe remember it was SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County that saved your bacon!

For emergency fire damage cleanup service in Rock Hill South Carolina call 803-324-5780.

How to Properly File a Fire Claim In York County

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

For questions about a fire damage claim in the Fort Mill area call us today.

Fire Damage And What To Do

Dealing with the effects of a house fire can be one of the most challenging, stressful events of a person’s life. Even if everyone in your Fort Mill,SC, home makes it out safely you could still face the prospects of losing valuable, meaningful possessions. Fortunately, with fire restoration efforts and insurance coverage, you can recover many items and start to rebuild your life. It’s important to know the right way to navigate this process.

Post-Fire Response

To minimize loss and preserve your safety, it’s crucial that you handle a fire emergency correctly. There are some essential steps you must take to ensure you get good coverage and prompt cleanup.

  • Call 911 and get out safely.
  • Contact your insurance company.
  • For smoke cleaning and rebuilding, contact a professional fire restoration company.

Discuss the Incident

For your insurance agent to process a fire damage claim, you must recount the event. Tell your agent where the fire occurred, how it started, what it damaged and whether there were any injuries.
Take Photos but Don’t Disturb the Scene
It will be helpful to provide your insurance agent with as much information as possible about the fire. If it’s safe to do so, take pictures of the damage and the extent of the loss you have suffered. While you do this, be careful not to touch anything. You want the insurance adjuster to look at the aftermath in the exact state it was left following the fire.

Get Restoration Teams Involved

The sooner you can hire a fire cleanup company, the faster your fire insurance claim should go. These two parties will work hand in hand so you can get prompt, thorough service. The cleanup team will board up windows and any holes in the siding or roof. This will prevent further damage and looting.
The fire restoration process on your damaged home will go much more smoothly when you file an insurance claim correctly. Adhere to these critical steps, and you can get back on your feet soon.

If you have had a fire to your commercial building or small office most of these steps will also help things move smoothly.

We are ready to help all Fort Mill South Carolina residents and property owners with any size fire damage claim.

For emergency fire damage cleanup service call 803-324-5780.

How Professionals Clean Fire Damage in Rock Hill And Fort Mill

10/17/2019 (Permalink)

We can help you with any size fire damage cleanup service you may need.

Common Cleaning Challenges in York County South Carolina Homes with Fire Damage 

Fire damage in a home is never a "one size fits all" for cleaning. Using the incorrect cleaning method on different types of smoke residues has the potential to result in higher amounts of loss. 

SERVPRO technicians utilize a multilayered process for handling fire damage residences. Just as there is not a single cleaning method for smoke damage, there are multiple methods for testing fibers to determine the best cleaning methods for the best outcomes.  

Hardwood Furniture and Flooring

Solid hardwood furnishings and flooring with light, dry smoke damage may have restoration potential on a case by case basis. Factors such as time between the fire loss event and cleanup efforts, as well as water exposure, affect restorability. As their goal is to restore rather than have homeowners incur the cost of replacement, when they find recoverable hardwood items, technicians use a combination of wood oil soaps followed up by a furniture polish containing mink oil for luster and protection.  

Painted Walls

Different types of paint react differently to heat exposure. SERVPRO technicians use different types of cleaners to lift away fire damage residues. For dry smoke, a dry cleaning sponge without any liquid cleaners lifts away from the surface. For wet smoke, solvents to release the thick, greasy smoke residue make it simple to wipe away. In cases where the heat was so intense it caused the paint to bubble, the embedding of soot may require a sealant to halt odors before priming and repainting.  

Nonporous Items

Immersion cleaning is one of the most common ways non-porous items receive cleaning. The process involves immersing an item into the chosen cleaning solution.  

Fabrics and Porous Items

Technicians perform fiber tests to determine the cleaning potential for upholstered furnishings and window treatments with smoke damage. If it is suitable for cleaning, they attempt restoration if there is no danger of loss through the restoration method, and the item does not appear to contain uncleanable soot. 

When your home has fire damage, contact SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County at (803) 324-5780. The technicians are certified and trained to assist homeowners in limiting loss and restoring the property to its preloss condition, "Like it never even happened." 

We do fire damage cleanup and soot removal for Lake Wylie, Clover and River Hills residents and commercial property owners.

5 Tips for Preventing Kitchen Fires

6/12/2019 (Permalink)

It may not come as a surprise to learn that the kitchen is the most likely starting point of a home fire. While a grease fire is something many people worry about, there are numerous potential causes of disaster. Fire damage can result from lack of attention, poor preparation or honest, everyday mistakes.

Five tips to keep your food-preparation area safer.

1. Where There’s Smoke…

There’s a reason firefighters and fire recovery professionals constantly discuss the importance of smoke detectors, and that’s because they save lives. Make sure you have an alarm installed near the kitchen; check and replace batteries as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Wear It Right

It’s easy to forget how dangerous cooking can be, but exposed flames and hot surfaces can cause major problems. For this reason, it’s important keep clothes and other such items in mind:

  • Don’t wear loose, long sleeves or other clothing that could come into contact with heat sources.
  • Ensure curtains won’t interfere with cooking surfaces, even with windows open.
  • Store potholders, aprons and other cloth items safely away from heat-generating appliances.

3. Wash Regularly

Keeping your cooking surfaces clean is more important than you might think. Greasy buildup is a potential fire risk, so make sure to clean thoroughly and on a routine basis.

4. Watch the Clock 

The simplest tips are the most important ones to remember: use timers, monitor heated appliances properly and always double-check to ensure that everything’s turned off before going to sleep at night.

5. Work-Area Control 

You never want too many cooks in the kitchen, nor do you want rambunctious youngsters running around near sources of heat. Establish a three-foot space around any cooking area, and make sure kids stay clear.

Preventing fire damage is largely about planning, especially when it comes to the kitchen. Mitigate your risk of a grease fire or other such disaster by following these handy tips when it’s time to prepare your food-prep area. 

We are always here to help 24/7 SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County.

Call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County For Fire Clean ups

6/12/2019 (Permalink)

Once a fire has consume your home or a couple of offices within your business, the main question that comes to mind is that, "Who's cleaning up all this damage?" The option to clean up the mess yourself is always an option.

Here at SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County, we are well trained with the latest techniques and are equipped with best equipment to get rid all of the smoke and soot that has damaged your home and/or business. 

We work closely with all the major insurance companies quickly and efficiently so we can get your home or business back to where it was prior to the unfortunate event. If a fire damage ever occurs, through faulty wiring or any flamable liquids next to a heat source, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is here 24/7 to make it look and feel "Like it never even happened."  Call us at 803-324-5780.

Fire and Smoke Damage

6/12/2019 (Permalink)

After a fire, smoke damage can wreak havoc in your home or commercial property. Kitchen flare-ups, closed fireplace flues, and electrical fires can send smoke throughout your house, charring walls, covering everything, and not to mention the smoky smell. The longer you let smoke and odors linger, the more they soak into walls, carpets, and furniture. Once the fire’s out or the flue is open, ventilate the house as quickly as possible to mitigate smoke damage. Open doors and windows, and turn off HVAC systems to avoid further spreading smoke. Call us, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County! Let our professional and certified staff in Fire Restoration do the dirty work of ventilating, vacuuming, and deep cleaning.

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

If you have any fire or soot damage or if you have any questions, call us at SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County 24/7 at 803-324-5780.

Beyond Salvaging: Items That Should Be Discarded After a House Fire

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

Fire damage cleanup service for Rock Hill South Carolina.

Items That Should Be Discarded After a House Fire

Not every fire will require a significant clean-out. For instance, a small stovetop grease fire may do minimal damage to a kitchen and only require throwing away the pan. However, for more extensive fires that eviscerate whole rooms, you may want to throw away several items due to spoilage and contamination. Thankfully, the list is potentially small for things that may be beyond salvaging.

1. Nonperishables and Perishables

The high heat of a fire, especially one that engulfs entire rooms or levels, will likely result in the spoilage of several perishable and nonperishable items. For instance, canned goods will probably boil during a fire, making any warranty or expiration invalid. Also, if your fridge was damaged during the blaze, the temperature inside likely rose, causing most, if not all, of the food to go bad.

2. Medications

Medications are another item that you should throw away. While they may appear fine, fires produce toxic chemicals that can cling to medications. Therefore, discard any pills and medicines safely. You can contact your physician and alert him or her to your need for refills.

3. Cosmetics

As with medications, fire damage can leave toxic residues on various items, including cosmetics. There is no feasible way to clean cosmetics, and therefore, they should be discarded for your safety.

4. Porous Items

While the general rule is to discard any porous items, it is understandable that some materials may be more sentimental than others. If you would like to hold on to some of these items, then you can contact a restoration specialist in the Rock Hill,SC area. These professionals may be able to help you find a local specialty cleaner who can salvage certain porous items.

While there are many things that you should throw away after a fire, there are pieces of your home that you will likely be able to take with you. Also, if you can find a certified restoration company, you should be able to salvage even some things that seem beyond salvation.

Have Questions About Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today – (803) 324-5780

A Few Critical Factors To Consider For Fire Damage Restoration

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

We are ready to help all Fort Mill residents and business owners in the event you have a fire.

We Can Help With Your Fire Damage Cleanup

Fire can be one of the most devastating things for a family. Unexpected fires damage property and cause harm to your belongings. However, such accidents do happen and you should be well prepared to face those unfortunate events. Even though all necessary safety measures are followed, accidental fires cannot be prevented. But, steps can be taken for immediate fire damage restorations so that the amount of damages caused and losses suffered can be minimized. Professional restoration services will instantly respond to your emergency calls and experienced staffs will help you to get back to normal life as soon as possible.

In addition to cleaning the premises and assembling leftover articles after fire damage, a service provider will also do the following:

  1. Remove acidic smoke and soot from the interiors of the building.
  1. Take steps for immediate odor control.
  1. Clean and deodorize clothing, upholstery, and other items of the house.
  1. Secure possible pedestrian hazards.
  1. Test and evaluate the extent of damage to structures and contents, and estimating the restoration costs.

Contacting the insurance companies

Getting in touch with the homeowners insurance companies is one of the critical factors that you should consider during an accidental fire. Fire damage restoration experts will talk with the insurance providers about the extent of damage caused and help you to claim the maximum compensation. Moreover, it is also important for the insurance companies to make an inspection of the damage themselves, and it is better if they do it before the restoration work starts.

Do not try fire damage cleanup yourself!

When it comes to fire damage rehabilitation, you should remember that it involves various risks and should not be tried unprofessionally. During a fire, there are various chemical reactions, which may cause irreparable damages to your health. Moreover, oftentimes, sparks remain underneath the rubbles. Such fires are hard to detect by untrained eyes but, can cause great harm if not treated properly. In addition to this there are possibilities of accidents due to weak structures, which might collapse and cause harms. Moreover, using inappropriate cleaning agents in such burnt structures can cause further damages.

You should remember that it is always better to search for a reputed restoration service provider well before such accidents strike. Being prepared will always help to restore maximum damages caused. If you are seeking for a professional service provider for fire damage in Fort Mill,SC area we are ready to help. 

Have Questions About Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today – (803) 324-5780

The Far-Reaching Effects of Soot Damage in Your Clover Home

9/5/2018 (Permalink)

We are ready to help with any size fire disaster you may have in Clover South Carolina.

SERVPRO Improves Air Quality during the Fire & Smoke Cleanup and Restoration Services for Your Property

Soot damage is a common concern following a disaster in your Clover South Carolina home. The manner in which it spreads to affect new areas of your residence, materials, and contents makes it one of the most challenging of consequences to restore. Even more to the point, this result from a fire disaster in your home is not something that the homeowner can readily remove on their own for several different reasons.

If you experience fire damages in your Clover residence, it can surprise you to how widespread and challenging they are to overcome. Many homeowners find themselves overwhelmed by the extent of the damage. The insurance company is often the one to require professional restoration work like our SERVPRO rapid response team. Not only can we provide a detailed estimate and photographic proof of the damage sustained, but begin work quickly on mitigating the loss throughout the affected areas of your home upon a signed contract.

Soot damage can be especially challenging because it coats everything that it comes into contact with, providing a sheet of dirt and debris for our SERVPRO technicians to clean up. Often these films can get remedied with dry/wet sponging or through the use of high-powered vacuums, but that rarely takes care of the entire problem. Soot travels through air ducts, leaving the residue throughout this network of sheet metal, fiberboard, or flex in the walls of your home that require concentrated efforts to remove.

Another concern about soot damage is the effect on the environment within your house that must get addressed quickly as well. Our technicians often have to employ equipment like hydroxyl generators for and air scrubbers outfitted with HEPA and carbon filtration systems to help remove odors, debris and soot on even microscopic levels from the air in the affected areas of your home. This provides the added feature of safe and clean indoor air quality IAQ.

While soot damage is just one of the many symptoms that linger in your home after a fire gets extinguished, it is something that requires expertise and the right equipment to restore. Our SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County fire restoration technicians are available anytime that you need us by calling (803) 324-5780.

More about the Clover Fire Department or the Town of Clover.

Why You Need Cleaning Services When You Face Fire Damage in Catawba South Carolina

3/30/2018 (Permalink)

When fire damage seems overwhelming, contact the technicians at SERVPRO to help you deal with the damage including insurance claims.

SERVPRO Technicians Deal With ALL Aspects of Damage After a Fire

Even after that fire has been put off, you need restorative services to address fire damage on your property. Restoration is meant to return your structure to its preloss state, and the level of damage usually determines the procedures to use. If you are a resident in Catawba, you have to take all safety concerns seriously before the restoration process can start.
Our SERVPRO team advises you to limit movement in your home after a fire damage incident in Catawba so that you do not end up embedding soot particles into your carpets and upholstery. After all, you do not know how safe the structure is, and it is advisable to wait until we do an assessment. We check whether there are cracks in the floors and walls, whether the ceiling tiles are intact, and switch off electrical circuits.
If you also need to reduce a fire damage claim's cost, then you have to seek for restoration and cleaning services. By doing that, you can salvage most of your contents and avoid replacing some items and resurfacing specific areas. Our SERVPRO team understands the cleaning elements and principles and chooses the most appropriate procedure, depending on the situation we are addressing.
To successfully clean the smoke-damaged items, we trace the source of the fire and then assess how far the smoke particles have moved. We also look at the type of particles when establishing cleaning methods. Different surfaces need different cleaning methods for them to be restorable. We are careful with the process we choose, and after capturing and removing the residues, we have to do the disposal.
We know that temperature is so crucial when cleaning items since it increases chemical reactions by making molecules in the cleaning solutions to move faster. It also decreases the surface tension of the cleaning solutions and causes them to penetrate into surfaces. After that, we can then dry your items and wet areas and perform deodorization to prevent the possibility of bacterial and fungi growth.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

River Hills Plantation Fire Damage Specialists

3/9/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage cleanup company is ready to help.

Fire Damage

Accidents happen, and sometimes a small fire breaks out inside your River hills home. Even if the fire gets put out quickly, the smoke from the blaze still causes damage. In many fire scenarios, smoke causes more damage to the home than the actual flames do.

Whenever there is a fire in your home, it is important to contact professionals that know how smoke effects a home. SERVPRO's fire damage experts in River Hills are IICRC certified and know about how smoke behaves inside a structure. Knowing how smoke behaves helps our team find all of the places where smoke residues reside.

During a fire smoke and soot particles find different places in your home to settle. Sometimes soot hides in places that are not visible at first sight. SERVPRO's restoration crews know that two factors of smoke behavior deal with temperature. The temperature of the smoke and the temperature of the surrounding surfaces are two main factors that affect where soot settles inside a building.

The temperature of the smoke decides where soot created by it settles inside a dwelling. Hot air always rises above and replaces cold air because it is not as dense. The act of heat transferring through air movement is known as convection. The longer a fire burns, the more the heat wants to move upward inside the structure.

As everyone knows if you are ever in an indoor fire you are supposed to get low to the ground because smoke rises. Soot collects first on the ceiling directly above the fire source. Smoke then moves into other rooms from the tops of doorways.

Another factor that effects where smoke moves inside a home are the temperature of the surrounding surfaces. Due to convection, soot from the smoke firsts sticks to surfaces that have a colder temperature. Sometimes closets have smoke damage on the ceiling because the temperature is lower inside the closet than other places in the house.

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today (803) 324-5780

Industry Terms for Fire Damages

3/2/2018 (Permalink)

We can help you with any size fire damage cleanup.

Industry Terms for Fire Damages

When a Riverview property experiences a fire, a homeowner and commercial property manager will begin to hear a lot of terms they may be unfamiliar with.  Familiarizing yourself with this vocabulary will help facilitate your understanding of what is happening.

Rest assured that if you should ever need our help, our team will walk you through the process of Newport fire cleanup and restoration.

Fire Damage:  This is a general term that says a fire was the cause of loss.

Stabilizing the Structure:  This refers to the need to make a structure safe enough for our technicians to begin cleanup and remediation work.  The fire must be completely put out.  It may also include roof tarping, board-up, temporary fencing, and a security guard.

Roof Tarping:  A thick, weatherproof piece of plastic tarping will be attached to the roof to prevent precipitation from entering the building and causing secondary damage.  

Board-Up:  When pieces of board are placed over damaged windows and doors to prevent precipitation from entering the building and also to deter possible break-ins.

Temporary Fencing:  When a temporary fence is installed around the perimeter of the property or highly damaged areas to prevent possible break-ins and keep the general public away from sensitive areas.

Security Guard:  When a structure cannot be immediately stabilized (for example, it’s raining and it’s not safe to tarp the roof), a 24-hour security guard can be hired to protect the property.

Secondary Damage:  A damage that occurred which did not come from the original source.  For example, in a fire damage, the fire is the primary damage.  Secondary damage may come from the water used during firefighting efforts.

Pre-Loss Condition:  Means to put the property back together the way it was before the fire damage. This is the goal of the insurance company when a fire damage occurs.

Smoke Damage:  When smoke particles have embedded themselves in a material, like a wall, clothing, or piece of furniture.  Smoke damage cannot usually be seen, but it can be smelled.  Cleaning and deodorization should take place.

Soot Damage:  When soot has sullied a material.  Soot is produced by the incomplete burning during the fire.  It is acidic and causes damage to materials when it’s not properly or promptly cleaned.  Cleaning and deodorization should take place.

Demolition:  When a material has experienced permanent damage and cannot be cleaned, it is removed and thrown away.

Containment:  When thick plastic is set up in order to isolate the airspace of a room.  This is done so that deodorization techniques can be more effective or to prevent an unaffected area of a property from becoming contaminated.

Air Scrubber:  A machine that cleans the air.  

HEPA Filter: High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance filter can catch particles as small as 0.3 microns.  This is our filter of choice when using an air scrubber.

Deodorization:  When an item or property is rid of smells caused by the fire damage.

Structural Framing:  The structure of the property, like beams.  If the structure has been damaged, it must be replaced.

Contents:  Anything that is not part of the structure, like furniture.  When affected, contents can either be cleaned on-site or taken back to our cleaning facility.

Textiles:  If you turned the property upside down and everything fell out, the items that fell and did not break are textiles.  These include clothing, shoes, plush animals, etcetera.  When affected, textiles are taken back to our facility for cleaning.

Pack-out / Pack-Back:  When the structure isn’t safe, contents and textiles are moved out of the property and taken to our facilities for cleaning and storage.  They are returned when the property is clean, reconstructed, and safe for inhabitants.  Items may also be delivered to a second location if the owner would like them returned sooner.

Storage:  Items that have been packed-out are stored in our facilities until they can be returned.

HVAC & Duct Work:  Heating, Ventilation, and Air Condition system.  Ducts are the pathways for the cold or warm air to travel around the property.  Many times, the HVAC system needs to be cleaned after a fire damage because smoke has accumulated inside of it.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Understanding the Different Types of Smoke Residue After Fire Damage to Your Fort Mill Home or Condo

2/28/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke Cleanup and Odor Removal Are Crucial to Fire Damage Restoration in Fort Mill and Rock Hill.

Stains and Odors Accompany Fire & Smoke Incidents--Call SERVPRO for Cleanup and Restoration

Not all smoke and soot residue after fire damage to your home is the same, and the success of a restoration process depends on the type of the residue. While some type of residue is easier to clean, other can be notoriously difficult to eliminate.

SERVPRO technicians can employ different methods to tackle a different type of smoke residue after a fire incidence to your Fort Mill home. The type of the smoke and soot residue affects the time required for the restoration.

Dry and wet smoke residue  
Almost all fires produce both wet and dry smoke residue in varying proportions. As both of these residues differ in the damage that they can potentially cause, they require different methods of elimination.

Fast burning and fires that have an ample supply of oxygen produce predominantly dry smoke. On the other hand, fires that burn slow and are deprived of oxygen produce predominantly wet smoke residue.

Dry residue is easier to clean, and SERVPRO professionals can restore more material in such cases. Cleaning such residues requires less aggressive procedures and cause lesser secondary damage. That said, as the dry residue is generated by hotter fires, which can cause more damage compared to the colder fires.

The wet smoke residue, on the other hand, is predominantly generated when the fire burns slow and is more difficult to clean. Wet smoke contains a higher proportion of solvent and other liquid components. As fires generating wet smoke burn slower, they have ample time to reach between crevices and enclosed areas. It can be quite challenging to clean the wet smoke residue even if the damage due to the actual fire is minimal. Extreme measures such as stripping and refinishing may be required to clean such residue.

Protein Residue  
Protein residue is a common feature of fires that originate in the kitchens and involve burning poultry, meat or fish. These organic materials produce smoke that is rich in protein residue and has a yellow or amber color. Such smoke can cause discoloration of walls and other exposed surfaces. Another problem with protein residue is the odor, that can linger on for days after the incidence and often requires deodorization. Thermal fogging can follow the path of the odor airborne smoke odors and chemically alter them. This challenge is handled by SERVPRO FST technicians by also setting up ozone machines when the property is vacant of people, pets, and plants, and when not, hydroxyl generators.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

What You Need to Do After a Home Fire Is Extinguished

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

Need a emergency fire damage cleanup company in Lake Wylie? Call us today at 803-324-5780.

Lake Wylie Fire Damage Cleanup Crew

After you’ve escaped your home and had firefighters extinguish the flames, it might feel like your job is done. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. To ensure your home’s getting the proper treatment and fire restoration services it really needs to get back to normal, you’ll need to do just a few things, including:

* Call your insurance company
* Steer clear of your property
* Contact a fire and smoke cleaning crew in Lake Wylie, South Carolina.

By taking these steps, you can rest assured you’re getting the maximum amount of help when it comes to getting your home back in livable condition.


After emergency services, your insurance company should be your first call. With most plans, fire insurance is included, and it likely covers at least some of the damages to your home. Agents can direct you to cleanup professionals supported by your plan, and help you financially throughout the entire process.

Call in the Professionals

Once you’ve spoken to your insurance agent, it’s time to call in the cleaners. One of the most crucial services these types of pros offer is an emergency board-up, which means they’ll quickly and expertly patch any damaged portions of your roof or siding to keep rainfall from causing even more hardship.

Find Somewhere to Stay

It’s critical to remember that in most cases, you won’t be able to live in your house again until repairs are complete. Therefore, you should find a family member or friend to stay with in the meantime. If none are available, consider finding a hotel to for the time being. It’s always good to make these decisions ahead of time as a part of your fire escape plan.

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today (803) 324-5780

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Fire emergencies can happen day or night, on weekend or holidays. That’s why we provide 24-hour emergency fire restoration services, 365 days a year. Lake Wylie residents can expect an immediate response time, day or night.

Getting Professional Restoration Assistance for Fire Damage to Your Fort Mill Home

2/5/2018 (Permalink)

Need emergency fire damage service? Call us today for help.

SERVPRO is Here when Your Home Experiences Fire Damage

When your Fort Mill home falls victim to a fire, you might be overwhelmed with all of the damage that it has done. Even without resounding structural impairment, the lingering effects of both the blaze and the extinguishing efforts require immediate attention to continue to live in your house comfortably. A typical complaint for those that have recently endured similar incidents like this in their own homes is the lingering smoke smell and water damage that resulted from extinguishing efforts.

While the fire damage to your Fort Mill home might seem hard to grasp at first, there is professional restoration help that is only a phone call away. Our SERVPRO team consists of IICRC certified specialists with the tools and expertise to handle even the most serious of disasters. When a lasting foul odor and excessive water damage are left behind after a recent fire in your home, our team is well equipped to combat these effects.

Water damage following fire extinguishing can be challenging to live with, especially if there is standing water still left in the affected areas of your home. When our SERVPRO technicians first arrive, our focus is preventing damages from getting any worse. We do this by boarding up or tarping over any windows that have gotten broken out or present holes in your walls or roof. This coverage prevents further elemental damage while the extraction and drying parts of our restoration process are underway.

Our extraction techniques involve using truck mounted pumps, portable submersible pumps, and wet vacs. The combined efforts of all of this equipment successfully pull up standing water and allow for the drying portion of the process to get started. Drying typically gets accomplished using air movers directed at lasting moisture in the floors and walls of the affected area.

Deodorization is part of our restoration process to handle the lingering smoke smell that can also be hard to manage. We utilize some different tools such as foggers and ozone machines to affect the noxious smell at a molecular level. Our odorless chemical compounds react with foul odor molecules and nullify them entirely.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Fort Mill Fire Damage Crisis Recovery

12/18/2017 (Permalink)

Fires can quickly engulf your living space. Contact SERVPRO after fire damage for a quick assessment and remediation efforts.

SERVPRO Technicians Focus On Remediation and Restoration After a Fire in Your Home

Home fires occur much more frequently in Fort Mill than one might expect given that most do not make the news. Many are quickly extinguished, and families are not displaced for long or at all as restoration efforts go forward. Although you are far from alone in recovering from a home fire, you can be among the most satisfied with the process if you choose a reputable recovery firm. 

If your dwelling’s fire damage in Fort Mill is typical, a blaze first breaks out in your kitchen. A pot boils dry, or a deep fryer overflows, engulfing your kitchen in flames. Quick work with a fire extinguisher may put out the fire itself, but now you confront the aftermath of sticky soot, smoke, and a smell that persists. If the fire strikes while your HVAC system is engaged, you can feel as though you will never move past the lingering effects unless you engage our comprehensive fire damage restoration services.
After the local fire officials give you the go-ahead, invite SERVPRO to partner with you to complete the tasks necessary to return your house to preloss condition. We send a seasoned project manager to assess the condition of your home and create an efficient recovery plan. Fire damage restoration includes, at a minimum, deep cleaning, debris disposal, and a deodorization evaluation.
If water was used to extinguish the flames, you also have a water damage issue on your hands. It comes as a surprise, but the water damage, if any, must be remediated before the SERVPRO crew focuses its attention on charring, soot, and smoke. Water increases the threat of slipping and falling during fire damage recovery efforts. Plus, water causes significant and permanent deterioration and damage if left waiting for a solution. Mold can grow within just a couple of days, fueled by damp gypsum board, waterlogged floors, and hidden pockets of moisture collecting between walls and over ceilings.
SERVPRO crews are familiar with both water and fire damage restoration, so we do not miss a beat, dealing with the water before the fire issues. Then we match cleaning products and methods to the fire residues remaining. Light ash and dry soot vacuum and dry sponge up well. Sticker grease fire coatings may need solvents and abrasive tools to dislodge. An inspection of your HVAC system reveals whether it also needs a cleaning, although at the least a complete change of filters is wise after the fire damage cleanup is completed to prevent depositing residual soot.

Water Removal Following Fire Damage To Your Tega Cay Home

12/13/2017 (Permalink)

Need emergency fire damage cleanup service in Tega Cay? Call 803-324-5780.

Water Removal Following Fire Damage

There is nothing quite as devastating as a fire breaking out in your Tega Cay home, regardless of its size. Once the fire extinguishing completes, restoration efforts are in full swing. While this might typically involve putting scrubbing machines and detergents to your walls and flooring to get rid of the soot lingering behind, even this step cannot come before the removal of the water that was needed to put out the blaze.

Our SERVPRO technicians are well equipped and experienced with crossover restoration projects like water removal on top of fire damage to your Tega Cay residence. Depending on the size of the fire that needed extinguished, you could find moderate flooding in profoundly affected areas of your home. To prevent further losses from this current disaster, time is of the essence to get restoration efforts underway.

From the moment that you call us at SERVPRO, we are already piecing together a plan to help you bring back your home from the damages you sustained. Our emergency response team can be there quickly to begin assessing the problems and walking you through what it takes to fix it completely. Water removal is one of the first concentrated efforts from the team to mitigate any damages that extinguishing might currently be causing.

Our professional staff begins by setting up our portable pumps and wet vac systems to rid the area of standing water. Once all of the noticeable water is gone, drying fans are then used to eliminate any lingering wetness and moisture in structural components, flooring, and furniture. Since excessive moisture left unchecked can result in the formation of mold colonies, the final aspect of water removal is often running a dehumidifier for an extended period. Dehumidification can pull the remaining moisture out of the air and away from hungry mold spores looking for the proper conditions to thrive.

Fires can create a great deal of damage to your home, regardless of their size. When extinguishing efforts have left you with a considerable mess, call us at SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County. We are available anytime at 803-324-5780.

Holiday Fire Tips for Fort Mill

12/8/2017 (Permalink)

The holidays offer many opportunities for family and friends to gather, but they also come with an increased fire risk. With a little extra attention and care, you can help your family have a happy and safe holiday season.


The holidays don’t feel like the holidays without delicious food. While cooking always presents potential fire hazards, home cooking fires always spike up around the holiday season.

When you have lots of cooks in the kitchen, it’s easy for things to get messy and confusing. However, a cluttered, chaotic kitchen is a hazardous kitchen. Make sure to keep flammable objects, like towels, packaging, and potholders, away from the stove. Communicate with everyone in the kitchen so you don’t leave the stovetop or oven on when it’s not in use. Wipe up spills quickly, and don’t let grease pile up around a burner.

If a deep-fried turkey is on the menu, make sure you fry it on a flat surface outside at least 10 feet away from the house.

Holiday Lights

While holiday lights can add a fun ambience to your home, it’s important to decorate safely. When you first open a package of new lights or crack open a box of previously-loved strands, take time to inspect each strand. If you find frayed or cracked wires or any broken sockets, return them or throw them away.

Don’t put more strands of lights on your tree than the packaging recommends. Overloading trees (and outlets) are a common cause of holiday fires. Unplug your holiday lights (and tree, if applicable) before you go to bed or leave the house.

If you want to hang lights outside, don’t use nails or staples as they can damage the wiring. Invest in quality hooks or hangers. Once the holidays are over, take down all outside lights. Small animals, like squirrels, may start chewing on the wires if you leave them up all year.


If your family uses menorahs for Hanukkah, you could consider using an electric one to cut down on fire hazards. If you prefer traditional candles, just be careful.

Keep the menorah at least three feet away from flammable items, and make sure you place a non-flammable surface, like an aluminum foil-lined tray, underneath the menorah to catch the melting wax.

Christmas Trees

Setting up the Christmas tree can mark the beginning of the Christmas holiday for many families. Unfortunately, if they are not properly set up and taken care of, they pose a large fire risk.

Keep the Christmas tree at least three feet away from fireplaces or heating elements in your home.

If you prefer a live Christmas tree, make sure to care for it properly. A dry tree can start to engulf a room in flames within a minute of ignition. Help reduce fire risks with the following guidelines:

  • Buy a fresh tree. When you first choose the tree, the pine needles should be green and not easily broken.
  • Cut off the bottom. When you get the tree home, cut two inches of the bottom to create a raw cut so the tree can soak in water.
  • Water the tree daily. Well-watered trees are less likely to catch fire.
  • Throw it out promptly. No matter how much you water it, your tree will dry out over time. Once the pine needles start to fall off and the tree starts to dry, it’s time to throw it out.

If you choose an artificial tree, consider flame-resistant or flame-retardant options.

Taking steps to prevent holiday fires can help reduce the risk, but there’s always a possibility of a fire. If your home suffers fire damage, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County can help.

Neutralizing Smoke Odors in Your Rock Hill Home After a Fire

12/6/2017 (Permalink)

Need odor removal or fire damage cleanup? Call us today at 803-324-5780.

Cleaning, Repairing and Deodorizing Your Home After Fire Damage

With the cold weather coming in Rock Hill, space heaters are coming back out. They are a popular choice due to their portability and small size, making them easy to reposition. When carefully used, these appliances can be one of your most valued pieces of equipment all winter long. If not used safely, however, these little heaters can pose a fire risk in your home.

If your Rock Hill home has suffered from fire damage due to a space heater, you want to repair the damage as soon as possible, even if it was small. At SERVPRO, our technicians are expertly trained and experienced to handle fire damage of any size, including cleaning up any soot and smoke residues the fire leaves behind.

Removing the smoke odor of a fire-damaged home presents a challenge. Our technicians are more successful at removing them because we understand how odor molecules permeate a structure and how to use various methods of odor removal. We also understand that customers perceive odors in different ways. Our task is to neutralize the odors that you consider unpleasant.

As SERVPRO techs attempt to deodorize, we deal with two kinds of odors – ones real, and ones imagined. The real odor is the sensation of smell caused by a real substance. Odor molecules interact with olfactory nerve cells in your nose. These nerves send messages to your brain which are interpreted by the olfactory lobe. Psychological or imaginary odors are what people believe they are smelling.

Deodorization requires a combination of techniques for it to be successful. Doing so results in all the odors being neutralized in the end. The first step is to get rid of the source causing the odor, and then we clean up the residues. After cleaning, ventilation or air scrubbing to get rid of odor molecules from the air indoors is next.

Fire Damage Remediation for Your Fort Mill Home

12/1/2017 (Permalink)

Need fire damage cleanup service? Call us today for help.

Our SERVPRO Technicians Make Your House Safe After a Fire

The disaster which does not discriminate is fire. No matter if you live in Fort Mill or elsewhere, or what the condition and age of your residence, there is always a chance that your home could suffer from a fire for various reasons. Most homeowners understand this, and it is a widespread fear for people who purchase their own homes. However, when fires do occur, what happens next?
Once the fire is out, and you are left behind with all the fire damage to your Fort Mill home, you need the professionals of SERVPRO to help you restore your home back to the way it was. Loss from fire presents restoration challenges which are different from normal repair and cleaning. The combined effects on a building from intense heat, burning fire, smoke residues, and water from fire-fighting efforts need us to provide you with various services and work together with licensed subcontractors and contractors.
Starting with mitigation, the goal is to secure your structure and stop further damage. It could include boarding up your home and establishing a temporary source of electricity. When your home is wet, we also need to perform emergency drying to stop secondary water damage, such as mold growth.
Our SERVPRO technicians then take care of cleaning your structure from fire damage, removing smoke residues and deodorizing odors given off by the residues. We consult with you on which structural components can be cleaned and which we need to replace. Repair or replacement for anything which cannot be cleaned is the next step.
Our content cleaning services include cleaning your possessions inside your home. Sometimes, contents can be cleaned on site, while other situations require them to be packed and moved to a different location for cleaning and storage.
We also subcontract cleaning of certain contents like electronics, dry cleaning of clothing, refinishing furniture, and cleaning expensive artwork.
In some cases of fire, structural components could have too much damage to the point that they cannot be restored. In this case, we work with licensed general contractors to provide the needed reconstruction services.

Fire Damage Affects More than Homes in Fort Mill

11/30/2017 (Permalink)

Fire damage cleanup company.

The Potential Risk of Fire Damage in Garages and Sheds

Fire can easily get out of control when people, especially children, do not take proper precautions. Fort Mill residents who store gasoline and other combustible liquids in their garages or sheds should make sure that these remain away from younger children who might play in these areas.

The programs about fire safety in Fort Mill are rarely descriptive of fire damage, although this could help deter children from playing with items that often cause house fires. When children play or merely go into a storage area to get a toy or bike, accidents can happen, also, without any intentions. Fires that start in such areas can remain undetected until the smoke or flames appear outside of the structure, or the noise from an explosion of gas catches your attention.

SERVPRO has the technicians needed for such cleanup jobs. Because storage areas have a hodgepodge often containing items that may pose risks that they did not before the fire. High heat can cause breakage of items to happen, and collapsing shelving can both form its own hazards while causing others.

A list of your lost belongings helps with any insurance claims, and many insurance agents are less likely to dispute third-party compilations. There are always items that fall into the gray area of loss and salvageable, and we can provide our expert opinion on such cases. Our goal is to help families in our area recover from fire damage in as little time as possible. Helping you attain replacements for damaged items is part of that goal.

Garages and sheds both contain interior structures that form their frames. When these beams become damaged by fire, the building's stability is significantly affected. Other structures, like walls and ceilings, also suffer. We pull the belongings that became damaged out for better inspection and cleaning. It is also easier to work on the interior of the building.

The exterior of your outbuilding is just as important as the interior. To prevent theft and other security problems, the exterior needs restoration so it provides the security needed once again. We can ensure that during our work at the end of each day, we secure it so this does not become a problem for your family. If you need emergency fire damage cleanup service for Fort Mill call our office today at 803-324-5780.

Fire Damage Prevention Tip

11/10/2017 (Permalink)

Be safe this holiday season.

Remember to be careful when plugging in your lights and decorations this holiday season. Overloading a electrical outlet could lead to problems. If you suffer from a fire in your home from cooking, HVAC malfunction, electrical issues or any other reason we can help. Our fire damage cleanup service will be ready if you need quick response to a smoke or soot cleanup. For more information about fire cleanup process visit our website or our Facebook page. Have a safe and happy holiday season from SERVPRO.

Halloween and Cold Weather Is Coming

10/25/2017 (Permalink)

Happy Halloween

If you have a fire or water damage emergency this fall season we can help. Temperatures are changing and cold weather is moving in. A lot of homeowners are turning the heat on for the first time and experiencing fires or smoke issues. If you run into this problem call us today for our fire damage cleanup service. Cold weather is also causing pipes to freeze which could lead to them bursting and causing water damage to your home or business. If you need water damage cleanup service call us today at 803-324-5780. Be safe this Halloween and have a wonderful holiday season from SERVPRO.

Grilling Means More Then Tasty Food

9/14/2017 (Permalink)

According to the National Fire Protection Association Three out of five households own a gas grill, which translates to a lot of tasty meals. But it also means there’s an increased risk of home fires.

Each year an average of 8,900 home fires are caused by grilling, and close to half of all injuries involving grills are due to thermal burns. While nearly half of the people who grill do it year-round, July is the peak month for grill fires followed by May, June and August.

The following fact sheet gives stunning information on structural fires caused from grilling.

SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County urges our friends and neighbors to practice safety while grilling this summer.

SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is available 24/7  (803) 324-5780.

Soot and Smoke Clean-Up

8/22/2017 (Permalink)

This home in Fort Mill had heavy soot damage after a fire in the kitchen area. This picture shows how soot can travel all through the house.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. At SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County, our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 

Fire Damage Cleanup Company For Waterside at the Catawba

1/24/2017 (Permalink)

Waterside at the Catawba cleanup company.

Did you just suffer from a fire damage claim in the Catawba area?

Weather its a small soot cleanup or a total house fire we can help. Smoke and soot can travel throughout a home very quickly. It can affect the HVAC system and continue to spread to every corner of the home. You may also have contents and textiles that may have been impacted by the smell. If you need help call us today and we will explain the fire restoration process. We can handle everything from soot removal to odor removal. We know that seeing your home coverd in smoke can be overwhelming. Call now for a free fire damage inspection of your home or business.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

We are a top rated fire damage cleanup and restoration company for the Waterside at the Catawba community. Our staff is ready to help you in your time of need with our fire damage service.

You may also visit our SERVPRO Facebook page to learn more about us.


Fort Mill Residents: Fire Damage And Smoke Cleanup

12/27/2016 (Permalink)

Fort Mill fire cleanup company.

Fire Damage Restoration Company For Fort Mill South Carolina

If a fire occurs in your home is can cause a lot of damage. After the fire department leaves is when we come in to help you get things cleaned up. Our staff has done many soot, smoke and odor cleaning projects in Fort Mill for residential and commercial properties. We also work with all insurance companies and will help you throughout the process. If you need a fire inspection at your property call us today. We will send out a technician to inspect the damage and let you know what we find and what things you should expect during the fire cleaning process. We are a top rated fire damage cleanup company for the Fort Mill area.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780


Fire Damage Cleanup Company For Doby's Bridge Community

12/2/2016 (Permalink)

Call us today for fire cleanup help. 803-324-5780

Soot and Smoke Removal in Doby's Bridge South Carolina

A house fire can happen at any moment. It could be from a cooking accident, electrical, or lightning that can spread soot and smoke throughout the home. After the fire is put out is when the cleanup process can begin. Most of the time the entire home is affected by the smell. All the affected areas must be cleaned and ozoned before the repair process can start.

If you have a house or business fire call us today for help. We will be happy to come out and do a free inspection of the property to see how much damage you have. We will also help you determine if you should file a insurance claim to cover the cost.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage Cleanup?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

We are a top rated fire damage cleanup company for the Doby's Bridge Community.


Cooking Fires Can Cause Major Damage In Fort Mill

11/28/2016 (Permalink)

Fire damage cleanup team for Fort Mill.

Need a Fire Damage Cleanup Company In Fort Mill?

With many homeowners cooking for the holidays this year accidents are bound to happen. One may happen by leaving something in the oven to long and smoke starts to come out into the home. Or you get distracted with all the family or kids running around the home and leave the kitchen for just a second. That is all it takes some times. The next thing you know you could have a small kitten fire or even worse a total fire loss.

House fires in Fort Mill are more common during the winter months and we are ready to help with the cleanup process. Our staff is trained with cleaning soot off a structure and getting the odor out. We also handle the cleaning of all affected contents as well.

If you would like a free fire damage inspection in Fort Mill, give us a call today to set up a appointment. We would be happy to come out and give our assessment of how much damage you have in your home or business.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

We are a top rated fire damage cleanup company in Fort Mill.

House Fire Cleanup Company In Fort Mill

11/22/2016 (Permalink)

Fort Mill Fire Damage Team.

Need a top rated fire damage restoration and cleanup company for Fort Mill?

We are ready to help. A house or business fire is never a good thing. The damage and stress it can cause to the homeowners or business owner can sometimes be overwhelming. We here at SERVPRO have the tools, equipment and training to get things cleaned up as soon as possible. We will work with you and your insurance company to make sure that all parties are on the same page and the communication continues throughout the process.

Call us today to come out and do a free fire damage inspection of your property. We will help you with any questions you may have about the cleanup process or who to contact regarding coverage and insurance.

Remember that even a small fire in a home or business can cause soot to go throughout the entire property. 

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

We strive to be the best fire damage cleanup company in Fort Mill.

For more information check us out on Facebook

How to Avoid Stove Top Fire Damage in Baxter Village Fort Mill

9/29/2016 (Permalink)

We are ready to help.

Attended Cooking and Keeping Safety Materials Nearby Can Help Prevent Fires From Originating in a Kitchen

Cooking tops and stoves have been used by civilizations with advanced metal or stone work for thousands of years, as it is a simple enough concept: a plate or surface is heated by open flame sufficient to cook and burn any food placed upon it. However, these essential appliances also carry a fair bit of risk and are one of the most common causes of fire damage in homes worldwide. Smoke alarms in kitchens are regularly placed directly above the stove so as to react quickly to any fires that start on it. Stoves can cause fire damage large and small, sometimes leading to total loss of the home, so avoiding dangerous practices around them is essential for your home's safety.

Always Mind Food

A common source of fire damage in Fort Mill is food left cooking unattended on stoves. Even if you are minding time and have a timer set up for its cooking, being out of the room while something is cooking is never a good idea and can lead to fires. Especially with oily or dry foods, food items left on stovetops can burst into flame very quickly, spreading to nearby wooden cabinets and walls. Safe cooking involves regular monitoring of food on the stove, and this is essential in kitchen fire prevention.

Watch Where You Put Things

Another common cause of fires is when a resident leaves a fabric cooking item, such as a potholder, laying on a hot stove. Any object left on a stove has a risk of starting a fire, and a hot stove top should never be used as a resting place for anything. Simply use the counter that is likely only a few feet away.

Keep Safety Materials Nearby

If worst comes to worst and a fire starts on a stove, make sure you have a smoke detector nearby and a fire extinguisher in the room. Damaging the stove with extinguisher materials should be the least of your concerns, so don't hold back. Above all, mitigating further damage from the fire is essential, and crucial to this is stopping any small fires in their tracks.

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today (803) 324-5780

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service
Fire emergencies can happen day or night, on weekend or holidays. That’s why we provide 24-hour emergency fire restoration services, 365 days a year. Fort Mill residents can expect an immediate response time, day or night.

We are a top rated fire damage cleanup company for Fort Mill.

What You Should do if You've had Residential Fire Damage in Fort Mill

9/29/2016 (Permalink)

We are ready to help with any size fire damage claim.

What You Should Do When Dealing with Fire Damage in Your Home

Life has enough interruptions and bumps along the way without the unwanted disaster of a Fort Mill house fire. The aftermath is almost as bad but much longer-lasting. Even small fires can merit the use of a professional restoration company. Cooking fires that spread beyond the stove, barbecue grills that go haywire, and even small appliances that catch fire can cause damage to surrounding areas.

Small Fires can Pose High Risks

While you should never pour water on a grease fire, nor on an electrical one, many times that is a person's first reaction anywhere. This can cause even more damage. Cooking fires and electrical shorts are common causes of Fort Mill fire damage. It can also create physical risks to people standing nearby. With grease fires, baking soda should be poured into the skillet and any grease or oil that has caught fire outside of the cooking pan or skillet instead of water.

With electrical fires, the appliance should be unplugged if it can be safely done, but not by pulling on the cord. This can cause the cord to snap, leaving the plug, without the cord, still in the outlet. The power to the area where this is happening should be shut off at the fuse box as quickly as possible to eliminate the hazard.

After the Fire is Out, It's Time to Repair the Damage

When there's been a localized fire, you should have someone assess the damages for you. This can often help with insurance documentation. Landlords, if you are renting, will also appreciate if you inform them of the fire, and they can see the damage for themselves. It is every landlord's worst nightmare to have a fire or flood damage their properties. If they can see the amount of damage, they can rest easier knowing the extent of the repairs required. Fires do happen, through nobody's fault, and your landlord will know this.

Damage can range from blackened walls and countertops to heavily burned surfaces, electrical wires being damaged and requiring replacement, to floors suffering damage so severe they must be replaced to be safe again. Having experts conduct the repairs needed can greatly facilitate insurance claims being resolved, as well.

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage in Fort Mill? Call Today (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned, with National Resources
We are proud to be an active member of this community. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated so we’re already nearby and ready to help Fort Mill residents and business owners with any-sized fire and smoke damage emergencies.

Top rated fire damage cleanup company in Fort Mill South Carolina.

Springfield South Carolina Smoke & Soot Cleanup

9/21/2016 (Permalink)

We are ready to help.

The Springfield Community Can Count On SERVPRO

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.

Smoke and soot facts:

Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.
Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.
Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions. We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage. We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources
SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated and we are proud to be part of the Springfield community. We are also part of a national network of over 1,650 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams placed strategically throughout the country to respond to large-scale fire, water, and storm disasters.

Fire Damage Restoration for a Newport South Carolina Home

9/21/2016 (Permalink)

We can help.

How SERVPRO Can Help You Restore Your Fire Damaged Newport Home
In the event that your home in Newport suffers fire damage, you may be struggling to complete the restoration process. As many homeowners know, there are numerous tasks that you must complete to get back on your feet and restore your property. Some of those tasks include meeting with insurance agents, doing an inventory of damaged materials, and dealing with the emotions that result from enduring a traumatic event. The above steps are valid for a small, localized fire event. You may need to hire a professional fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO to assess damages and complete the fire damage restoration process. If there is any depth to the fire damage, allow SERVPRO to communicate with your insurance adjuster and do an on-site assessment and inspection of the fire damage in your Newport home. A proper water removal, drying, cleanup and repair plan than can be professionally initiated.

What To Do Before The Fire Damage Restoration Company Arrives

You can, if the fire was minor, make sure the main circuit breaker has been turned off. As you think about starting the cleanup process during the fire aftermath, you may be wondering if there are any cleanup activities you should leave to the professionals. The answer is yes. Probably most, or all of the clean up. One activity you should avoid completing on your own is the cleaning of any damaged furniture. There are specific cleaning techniques required for furniture as a result of fire damage. Also, be sure to avoid washing papered or painted walls that may have been impacted by smoke. Attempting to complete this work on your own can generate soot staining issues that will compound the repair and cost of the restoration. Finally, do not attempt to clean carpets and fabrics damaged by smoke or fire on your own. The home repair and restoration process should be completed by professionals.

Let The Professionals Of SERVPRO Assist You

Once your home in Newport has been impacted by fire damage, it's critically important that you obtain excellent, expedient remediation services from a highly qualified company like SERVPRO. By communicating with you and your insurance company an efficient, cost-effective plan of action can immediately start. Our commitment to excellence, training with IICRC certification, and equipment have made us the industry leader with over 1,650 franchises. Allow us to release you from unwanted stress and get you back home.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources
SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated and we are proud to be part of the Newport community. We are also part of a national network of over 1,650 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams placed strategically throughout the country to respond to large-scale fire, water, and storm disasters.

How To Handle a Home or Business Fire In Newport South Carolina

9/14/2016 (Permalink)

We are ready to help.

Newport Fire Damage Can Be Restored by SERVPRO

Fires can be terrifying and life changing. Not only do they erase the value of your home, but severe fires can also completely derail your life and destroy your possessions in just a few minutes. Plus, you have to consider the effects caused by firefighters and other specialists assessing the scene. Now, your beautiful home is dealing with soot, ash, structural damage, and even water damage. It's easy to feel helpless when you're dealing with these situations, but they don't always have to be bleak. Our service professionals understand how to renovate or restore your home to its pre-loss condition "Like it never even happened." Our friendly and professional staff has to provide a fire damage assessment that determines what we can do to help.

Why You Should Call SERVPRO for a Fire Damage Assessment
We've seen a lot of fire damage in Dallas, and a few things about handling the situation stand out. First, don't start cleaning your home; leave it just like it is. Secondly, call your homeowner's insurance company and determine what your coverage limits are for fire damage, and to have an adjuster come out to estimate the repair costs. This can help you afford to repair and restore your home back to normal. Third, give us a call. We can begin the cleanup process, determine what kinds of damages there are, and whether or not you can safely enter your home. After that, upon agreement, we'll start working, determining the best materials, equipment, and clean-up gear that we'll need to fix your home.

What Does SERVPRO Actually Assess in a Fire Emergency Situation?
We perform a large number of checks to ensure that your home is safe. First, we scan for superficial, surface damages that could be problematic in the future. Often, shingles melt, siding is destroyed, and many surfaces are covered with smoke, soot, and ash. We often advise our customers to take pictures to capture damages to show their insurance agent. We can also provide photos during our assessment.

The second, more important part of the assessment determines if there is any internal damage to your home. This could include your walls, roof, floors, joists, flooring, ducts, ventilation systems, windows, sinks, wiring, plumbing and more. Fire damage can make your home unlivable unless the situation is addressed.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

We are a top rated fire damage cleanup company for Newport South Carolina.

Understanding The Fire Restoration Process In Fort Mill

8/31/2016 (Permalink)

Fire damage help is only a call away at 803-324-5780.

It is imperative fire restoration be implemented as soon as possible after a house fire is out.

The longer the delay, the more opportunity there is for damage from water and smoke to intensify. It is surprising just how well restoration works in light of how destructive a fire can be. Depending on the damage, your Fort Mill,SC home can often be restored to its before-fire state. It can be a difficult task to perform, but IICRC-approved technicians at SERVPRO of Fort Mill are well-equipped to return a home to its original condition.

The fire restoration process involves the repair of any structures damaged by smoke, fire, or water. Carpets undergo a chemical process to remove smoke odor. Sub-floor materials undergo inspection for damage and may need to be replaced. Upholstery and curtains are subject to a similar process. The home is aired out for as long as needed to diminish the effects of odor and mildew, and deodorization efforts continue throughout the process. Through the cooperation of the insurance company, the restoration team, and the homeowner, a home can be restored and made safe to live in once again.

Damaged caused by a fire is devastating for your family and your home. It’s a stressful and confusing time, so you’ll need a caring expert to guide you through this crisis. Our professionals will always treat you with respect and empathy, and we’ll always treat your home and belongings with great care.

SERVPRO of Fort Mill has the water and fire damage training and expertise to help you through this tough time. Once the fire department leaves, your York County home may suffer from water damage caused by firefighting efforts. We have the specialized fire and water damage restoration training, personnel, and equipment to handle fire and water damage and can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources
SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated and we are proud to be part of this community. We are also part of a national network of over 1,650 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams placed strategically throughout the country to respond to large-scale fire, water, and storm disasters.

Rock Hill Smoke and Soot Cleanup

8/2/2016 (Permalink)

Emergency fire, smoke and soot cleanup for Rock Hill,SC.

Residential and Commercial Fire Cleanup Company

 Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action. 

Smoke and soot facts:

·         Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.

·         Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.

·         The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rock Hill will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

 Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

·         Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

·         Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

·         Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today (803) 324-5780

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Fire emergencies can happen day or night, on weekend or holidays. That’s why we provide 24-hour emergency fire restoration services, 365 days a year. Rock Hill residents can expect an immediate response time, day or night.

Fort Mill Smoke and Soot Cleanup

7/20/2016 (Permalink)

Fort Mill Fire Damage Cleanup Team.

Fire Damage Cleanup And Restoration Company For Fort Mill

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Today (803) 324-5780

We are proud to be an active member of this community. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated so we’re already nearby and ready to help Fort Mill residents and business owners with any-sized fire and smoke damage emergencies.

How to manage Fire Damage In Your Home or Business In Fort Mill/Rock Hill Area

6/17/2016 (Permalink)

Who to call if you have a fire in your home or business? SERVPRO at 803-324-5780.

Having a fire that damages your home or business can be scary and definitely costly in repairs.

The most important part of repairing your fire damage is to find a restoration company that will help put your worries to rest and then get to work on fixing the damage as fast and effectively as possible. Every fire damage event is different and requires a unique solution but the general process stays the same.

The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage emergency.

Please call SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County if you have any questions about the process.

Step 1: Emergency Contact 803-324-5780. You can call us 24/7.

Step 2: Inspection, Testing, and Fire Damage Assessment

Our Professionals will carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action.

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and to protect against further damage, our SERVPRO professionals can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs.

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

After the Fire Department Leaves, there is often Water Damage. The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We will then use equipment, such as dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process.

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

The SERVPRO professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces.

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We will clean all of the restorable items and structures that were damaged by the fire, using a variety of cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. We’re also trained to remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration is the final step—getting your home or business to its pre-loss condition. As General Contractors we can handle anything, making it “Like it never even happened.”

Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of large areas or rooms in a home or business.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated, so we are part of this community too. When you have a smoke or fire damage emergency, we’re already nearby and ready to help. We take pride in being a part of the Fort Mill/Rock Hill community and want to do our part in making it the best it can be.

Fire Damage Cleanup And Restoration In Rock Hill

4/28/2016 (Permalink)

Rock Hill fire damage cleanup and restoration by SERVPRO.

Rock Hill Fires Can Cause Major Damage To A Home Or Business.

As you can see by the picture how a fire can destroy a home in Rock Hill very quickly. This fire was located in the attic area and burnt the roof off of the home. Nobody was home at the time and there were no injuries. 

The result of the fire was water damage to the rest of the home due to the fire department had to saturate the home to get the fire out. All of the contents had either smoke damage or water damage. The contents are now being dried by dehumidification and then will be cleaned and ozone to get the smell out.

Luckily the homeowners had good insurance coverage to cover the cost of damages. The homeowner was a complete loss and will have to be torn down.

For more information about our fire damage cleanup services visit our main website and look for the link labeled: Fire Damage.

Have Rock Hill Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Fire emergencies can happen without warning and don’t wait for regular business hours, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including holidays. If your Rock Hill home or commercial property is damaged by fire, we can respond quickly, day or night.

Need emergency fire damage cleanup and restoration in Rock Hill? Call now for help or questions.

Clover Fire Damage Cleanup And Restoration Company Gets To Work

4/26/2016 (Permalink)

House fire in River Hills South Carolina.

A fire in River Hills community in South Carolina causes major damage to home.

Just last week a home in Clover had a fire start in the attic area of their home. It burnt the roof off in several areas and caused soot to spread throughout the home. The fire department was able to put the fire out before it spread to the main level of the home. 

After the home was cleared from the fire inspection we were able to go inside to see the extent of the damage. As we were going through the home we noticed that every room had been affected from the water that put the fire out and there was soot everywhere. Most of the rooms had drywall and insulation laying on contents and the floor. 

The structure is not going to be salvageable but there are a bunch of personal contents that are. We are in the process now of getting them back to our warehouse for cleaning and deodorization.

River Hills, SC Fire Damage Cleanup and Restoration

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Fire emergencies can happen without warning and don’t wait for regular business hours, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including holidays. If your River Hills home is damaged by fire, we can respond quickly, day or night.

Have River Hills or Clover Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Fire Damage in Fort Mill - Steps to Take After a Fire

3/21/2016 (Permalink)

Need fire damage cleanup help in Fort Mill? Call SERVPRO at 803-32-5780.

Fort Mill Fire Damage - Steps to Take After a Fire

When the devastating fire that ripped through your home is extinguished, and everyone is safe, you want to focus on measures you can take to minimize damage and reduce expenses for restoration. To do that follow these steps: 

1. Clean all clothing to remove smoke or fire odors that could cause damage to the fabrics. Not to mention you can make them smell better. Clothes that are severely soiled from fire damage in Fort Mill should be taken to a professional cleaner. 

 2. Thoroughly scrub all outside areas of your home with a strong disinfectant. These cleaners can help remove soot and harmful bacteria. Be sure to wear gloves and other safety equipment. Target all areas of your home such as floors, walkways, walls, glass, and screens. 

 3. Now you can move to the interior of your home. Cleaning inside includes scrubbing and disinfecting walls, cabinets, counters, tables, flooring, tables, chairs, and other areas. Remember to wear the same safety gear for interior projects. 

 4. Clean all of your fire damaged furniture in Fort Mill thoroughly. You do not want to damage sensitive material with harsh cleaners. Some furniture may need to be discarded if it is too badly damaged. 

 5. Next, restore fire damaged draperies and tapestries with an odor neutralizer spray. This spray helps combat the soot and fire damage that has penetrated deep into the fabrics. If your fire damage in Fort Mill is too much to handle on your own, consult a professional restoration expert. 

 6. Deodorize carpets and mattresses if possible. Steam cleaning could be considered as an option. Wash or dust all household items. 

 7. Finally, do not forget the importance of cleaning the ventilation systems in your home. The HVAC cleaning requires calling a fire damage restoration professional in Fort Mill. Heating/Cooling systems need all vents, ductwork, and filters thoroughly cleaned to ensure soot and smoke particles are not being cycled through the air in your home. 

 If you suffer fire damage , we respond to your needs day or night. We want to help and serve our community. For more information or an estimate call SERVPRO.

Have Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Fire emergencies can happen without warning and don’t wait for regular business hours, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including holidays. If your Fort Mill home is damaged by fire, we can respond quickly, day or night.

A Look at Fort Mill Fire Damage

3/15/2016 (Permalink)

A fire in a Fort Mill home or business can cause major damage.

SERVPRO Can Restore Your Fire Damaged Fort Mill Property

After Fort Mill fire damage, circumstances can be very overwhelming for anyone. All of your possessions and property are covered in soot and degraded by smoke damage. Remember you can repair or replace objects, but not people. As long as everyone is safe, you can fix yourself or call in the fire damage restoration experts from SERVPRO in Fort Mill to restore your ruined home. 

Keep yourself highly organized. Document all conversations with the insurance company. Take photos. Keep all of your receipts and documents. Keep your original documents and provide only copies when requested. 

Call your insurance agent first. It is required that you file your claim as soon as you can, and it is best for you to do this promptly. Further, you need to submit a proof of loss claim. The more quickly you can do this, the more rapidly you can get an adjustor to assess damages. 

Call a trusted fire damage restoration company. Look for a company that also handles remodeling and construction services. This research will save you time and money. SERVPRO offers a comprehensive program including water extraction, drying, cleaning, repairing, restoring, and total remodeling.

After assessing the damages, your property must be secured. A good quality fire damage restoration company can provide this service. We can board up exposed exterior walls, doors, and tarp roofs to keep out the elements. You must stay vigilant because a home or business damaged by fire can be a target for thieves and vandals. 

Next the damage restoration company and your insurance company should work together to compile a recovery plan. This plan will involve assessing structural damage, determining which items can be cleaned, salvaged or replaced, and what items must be wrapped and safely removed. Further, the team should be able to inventory, move, and keep your belongings in a secure location for cleaning and storage until your home has been repaired and restored. We are preferred fire damage service providers to most large insurance and property management companies. So coordinating the entire restoration process is simplified for you, as we alleviate unnecessary stress to you. 

Do not try to wash residue from walls (soot will leave streaky stains), use carpet or furniture with heavy damage, consume any food products or goods exposed to fire damage. Do not attempt to test electronic devices or appliances on your own if there is standing water and dangerous debris within the structure. 

With patience and a team of trusted fire damage restoration pros from SERVPRO, your fire damaged Fort Mill property can be restored to its pre-loss condition "Like it never even happened.

We’re Fire and Water Damage Specialists

Locally Owned, with National Resources

We are proud to be an active member of this community. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated so we’re already nearby and ready to help Fort Mill residents and business owners with any-sized fire and smoke damage emergencies.

Have Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Common Types of Commercial Fire Damage in Rock Hill

3/3/2016 (Permalink)

What to do after a commercial fire in your business? Call SERVPRO for help at 803-324-5780.

SERVPRO Can Treat Rock Hill Commercial Fire Damage

If you are experiencing Rock Hill commercial fire damage, it is crucial to work with professionals who can help you restore your property. However, fire damage can take many different forms. Watch out for the following types of Rock Hill commercial fire damage and call the experts as soon as possible to prevent the damage from getting worse.

One of the first and least dangerous types of fire damage is known as Class A fire damage. This kind of damage can occur on any property, and it is often the result of a solid catching fire and spreading throughout. The fire damage from Class A fires has quantifiable sources, and the solids may include rubber, plastic, paper or cloth. This damage may spread from a single source, and it is often easy for individuals to contain if they are quick and isolate the burning source with a fire extinguisher.

Class B fire damage is another variety, and it is one of the most dangerous types that could occur. Class B fire damage typically results from flammable liquids or from solids that have become liquefied. These are commonly caused by melted plastics and waxes as well as various types of oils, including petrol and grease. While they are often caused by materials similar to cooking oil, cooking oil fires do not often count as Class B fires. These fires often spread quickly and cause tremendous damage because of water displacement issues.

Class C fire damage involves flammable gasses and similar substances. These can include fires caused by gas leaks such as hydrogen or propane, or they may be due to deposits of natural gas. They can spread quickly through the property and result in a great deal of sudden surface damage. More often than not, this type of damage is explosive and can cause tremendous destruction in the property's structure. It is one of the most common examples of Rock Hill commercial fire damage, and it may result in a long-term loss if not handled quickly.

Finally, Class D fire damage is a common variety of fire damage that occurs in industrial locations. It is typically caused by combustible metals. Some of the most common metals involved include sodium and potassium, and this type of fire is large and encompassing of the work area. This damage can result in a variety of harmful ambient effects, so if you experience this sort of damage, it is crucial to have it taken care of as soon as possible. If left unattended, unwanted chemicals may become airborne and result in a variety of problems around the work area.

If you are interested in working with a locally owned business you can count on, be sure to call SERVPRO of Rock Hill. We can help you manage any and all Rock Hill commercial fire damage as necessary. No job is too big or too complicated for us, and we have the resources and experience necessary to help you and your family. Call us today at 803-324-5780 to learn more about what we can do for you.

Commercial Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Commercial Restoration Presents Unique Challenges

SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County has the training, experience, and equipment to handle large commercial fire damage emergencies. Whether your fire emergency occurs in a restaurant, motel, or office building, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion. Learn more about SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County training and certifications.

The Value of Residential Fire Damage Cleanup in Fort Mill

3/3/2016 (Permalink)

Who to call after a fire in your home? SERVPRO at 803-324-5780.

Fort Mill Fire Damage And Its Importance To Your Residential Home

It is important to get Fort Mill residential fire damage cleanup services after a fire has caused harm to your property and belongings. After the fire has been put out, smoke and soot damage will remain. The proper cleaning techniques will need to be performed to make sure that your property is returned to the condition it was in before the fire. It is essential for these procedures to be done in prompt fashion because you want to know for sure that the structure of your home is secure before you go back into it.

Rely on Fort Mill Residential Fire Damage Cleanup

Fort Mill residential fire damage cleanup services can be a smart move after a fire has wreaked havoc on your home. The cleaning process will aid your home in its return to its former glory. It is important to do a thorough inspection to see what type of problems have occurred in your residential property. Your home will need to be cleaned from the top to the bottom with the right tools and products in every place that has suffered smoke damage.

The cleaning process will include floor mopping, and in some cases floor stripping, sealing, and refinishing will need to be done. Your walls and ceiling can be cleaned thoroughly to remove soot and to prepare them for repainting if it is necessary. Window cleaning is also an important part of the cleaning process. The inside of your windows are likely to be smudged from the smoke, so they should be cleaned well.

After a Fort Mill fire, your ductwork should be looked at closely to see if smoke has damaged it. If it has, it is important for the situation to be remedied swiftly. Smoke clings to metal surfaces, so your entire system will need to be cleaned and disinfected to get rid of the lingering contamination.

Cleaning up your home is sure to be your top priority after a fire so that you can get back to living your normal life. It will be necessary to clean off soot from wood furniture, your upholstery, your electronic equipment, and much more. Everything that soot touches needs to be cleaned and sometimes sanitized. After that, your home will also need to be deodorized with unique products that will do more than just cover up the smell of smoke. You want to make sure that the smoke fragrance is completely annihilated.

You can trust SERVPRO of Fort Mill with all of your fire damage cleanup services. We are in a great location to serve your needs quickly after a fire has occurred so that your property can quickly return to its former glory.

Have Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

24-Hour Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Fire emergencies can happen without warning and don’t wait for regular business hours, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including holidays. If your Fort Mill home is damaged by fire, we can respond quickly, day or night.

Fire Damage in Fort Mill Requires Professional Assistance

1/7/2016 (Permalink)

Need a top rated fire damage restoration company in Fort Mill? Call SERVPRO today at 803-324-5780.

SERVPRO Restores Your Fire Damaged Home in Fort Mill

Fire damage in Fort Mill is one of the worst issues a residential property owner may have to experience. In addition to destroying an individual's valuable possessions, fires can do serious damage to the structural integrity of your property. However, learning more about what steps to take following a fire can help you limit stress, save money, and restore order in your life. To accomplish these objectives, SERVPRO offers the following short outline regarding fire damage recovery steps:

Once a large fire strikes your property forcing you to vacate, you should not reenter. Unfortunately, fires can do significant damage to the foundation and structure of your property. This means that the house can harbor dangerous elements like sagging ceilings, hidden sharp objects, and electrical breakdowns. It's also important to note that your property probably has standing water following the fire due to the extinguishing activities of firefighters. These factors, a few among many, make your property a dangerous place to be. Be sure to consult with the department fire marshal or another official to learn when it is safe to reenter the home.

Contact A Fire Damage Restoration Company like SERVPRO after you call your insurance company. When your property that has been impacted by fire, these professionals possess the expertise, equipment, and training necessary to restore your fire damaged property with skill and speed. There are numerous steps that fire damage restoration experts will complete restoring your property. Some of them include:
• a thorough assessment of damages
• creation of a customized treatment plan
• cleaning, drying, and smoke and soot removal (including odors)
• elimination of damaged items like rugs, drapes, and carpets
• mold remediation, if lingering water has created this issue

 DIY Cleanup and Restoration Are Difficult.
Although many homeowners are tempted to complete the fire damage remediation process for themselves, you should avoid this course of action. Homeowners do not possess the specialized equipment necessary to complete the fire remediation work quickly and correctly. Additionally, property owners are unaware of the health and safety hazards involved in the remediation process. This means that attempting to complete the restoration process on your own could make you susceptible to injury and illness.

Let The Professionals Of SERVPRO Assist You. Once you realize that you're in need of fire damage remediation services, there's only one company to call: SERVPRO. Our excellent technicians are IICRC-certified and work with skill and persistence to ensure that every corner of your Fort Mill home is restored to its former condition. Our industry experience has given us a profound awareness of how to expedite and optimize every component of the restoration process, and this is why we achieve such high levels of client satisfaction. "Like it never even happened."

Have Questions about Fort Mill Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

What Happens During A Fire Damage Restoration in Fort Mill?

12/22/2015 (Permalink)

U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,298,000 fires in 2014.

Leave Fire Damage Restoration To The Fort Mill Pros For Best Results

What Happens During A Fire Damage Restoration?

 Once you realize that your home has been subjected to a fire in Fort Mill, you may be inclined to start the cleanup process on your own. However, this is never the ideal course of action to take. In fact, fire damage restoration professionals will be able to do a much more thorough, effective job than most residential property owners. Learn more about how a team of professionals can expedite and optimize the fire damage restoration process by reviewing the outline that appears below:

 The Assessment

 When a team of Fort Mill fire damage restoration contractors come to your home, they will complete a thorough assessment of your property. The assessment is designed to give the professionals a clear understanding of how much damage has transpired on your property. To attain this information, the contractors will examine both the interior and exterior of your living space. After the assessment is complete, the contractors will be able to devise a clear, concise strategic plan that outlines how the restoration process will be exacted.

 Water Removal

 In many cases, Fort Mill fire damage results in excess standing water on your property as a result of the extinguishing work completed by the fire department. As such, the remediation specialists will work with skill and speed to remove this excess water. To accomplish the objective quickly and correctly, contractors will utilize specialized equipment like power pumps and vacuums. This process is imperative for several reasons, one of them being that water removal prevents the onset of a mold invasion.

 Drying And Dehumidifying

 After removing excess water from your property, the remediation specialists will complete the drying and dehumidifying work. This step is important because the floors and walls of your property will typically retain excess water. This excess water will result in warping, swelling, and even the complete breakdown of the property. This is why contractors will utilize advanced methodologies and specialized equipment to ensure that all remaining moisture is removed from your household structures.


 The last step of the restoration process is cleaning. The remediation crew will typically offer a wide range of cleaning services, some of which include antimicrobial, antibacterial, and disinfectant treatments.

Although dealing with fire damage can be difficult, hiring a team of professional contractors can make the restoration process simple and seamless. The team to call for precise, detail-oriented services that work is SERVPRO. Our IICRC-certified technicians will work with diligence and determination to get your property back in excellent condition.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Fort Mill Kitchen Fire Damage- What To Do

12/4/2015 (Permalink)

Kitchen fires in Fort Mill can cause serious damage to a home or business.

When a Fort Mill fire starts in the kitchen, you need to act fast to keep the fire from getting out of control. But how you act depends on what kind of fire you have and where it is. Follow these instructions for putting out kitchen fires:

·         If you have a fire in the oven or the microwave, close the door or keep it closed, and turn off the oven. Don’t open the door! The lack of oxygen will suffocate the flames.

·         If your oven continues to smoke like a fire is still going on in there, call the fire department.

·         If you have a fire in a cooking pan, use an oven mitt to clap on the lid, then move the pan off the burner, and turn off the stove. The lack of oxygen will stop the flames in a pot.

·         If you can’t safely put the lid on a flaming pan or you don’t have a lid for the pan, use your fire extinguisher. Aim at the base of the fire — not the flames.

·         Never use water to put out grease fires! Water repels grease and can spread the fire by splattering the grease. Instead, try one of these methods:

·         If the fire is small, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the burner.

·         Throw lots of baking soda or salt on it. Never use flour, which can explode or make the fire worse.

·         Smother the fire with a wet towel or other large wet cloth.

·         Use a fire extinguisher.

·         Don’t swat at a fire with a towel, apron, or other clothing. You’re likely to fan the flames and spread the fire.

·         If the fire is spreading and you can’t control it, get everyone out of the house and call 911! Make sure everybody in your family knows how to get out of the house safely in case of a fire. Practice your fire escape route

After the fire – who will need help cleaning-up from the fire and smoke damage.  Depending on the extent of the fire, smoke damage can affect many other areas of the house.  You will need the help of a Fort Mill professional to properly remediate the damage and if necessary – repair and or replace the damaged items and property.  The clean-up protocols are vastly different depending on the type of fire and the type of materials affected. 

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Commercial Fire Damage Restoration in Rock Hill

11/24/2015 (Permalink)

Fire Extinguishers Are Good For Business

In Rock Hill, SERVPRO Can Restore Your Fire Damaged Commercial Property

One of the most debilitating and costly catastrophes that a business owner in Rock Hill may encounter is a fire. In addition to generating fire damage, fires can cause smoke and soot damage. Additionally, fires can result in the accumulation of standing water due to the fire extinguishing work; that precipitates mold growth. Finally, fires result in strong smells that require extensive, thorough odor removal. Despite the fact that fires can cause a wide range of problems, commercial property owners who secure high-quality commercial fire damage restoration can limit their stress levels while having their business space restored with speed and cost effectiveness. Learn more about how a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO can help recover your commercial space by reviewing the steps they implement to make it happen:

Step One: The Property Assessment. The first step that a commercial fire damage restoration company will complete after arriving on your property is a property assessment. This assessment will help the restoration experts from SERVPRO determine the extent of fire damage done to your property. During the assessment, they will check for damage like broken windows, remaining fire hazards, and structural integrity. After completing the assessment, the restoration experts will put an action plan in place. If you have damaged roofs, doors, walls, or windows, the recovery team will secure the affected regions using tarps, plywood, and even fencing. Securing against theft and vandalism will save you time and money. 

Step Two: The Clean-Up. Once restoration experts ensure the structural safety of your property, they will move forward with the clean-up process. Typically, the clean-up work will include water removal and drying. The fire damage specialists will utilize equipment like water pumps, wet-vacs, dehumidifiers and air-movers to expedite and optimize these restoration processes. The equipment is effective in mitigating mold growth and reducing damage to materials like carpet and upholstery by following guidelines set forth by the IICRC. In addition to completing the water removal and drying processes, the recovery experts from SERVPRO will eliminate all unwanted soot and smoke from your commercial property. The fire damage specialists can also offer restoration services for vital documents like photographs and paintings.

Step Three: Fire Damage Restoration. After the commercial fire damage restoration process is finished, the remediation company will complete the restoration work. This can involve a wide range of processes, including the repair and painting of damaged walls and the installation of new carpet. Structural damage will also be addressed and resolved at this point. Throughout the restoration process, you need to work directly with your insurance agent to ensure that you attain maximum coverage for damages. SERVPRO is a preferred vendor to over 315 insurance companies, government agencies, and property management companies. Working in tandem, the fire damage restoration can move quickly and with fewer costs.

Don't Delay-Get Great Commercial Fire Damage Restoration Services Today for Your Dallas Business

When you find that your Rock Hill commercial property is subjected to fire, call the professionals of SERVPRO. In so doing, you'll hire access to comprehensive restoration services that are customized to get your commercial property back in pre-loss condition. All of our IICRC-certified professionals offer 24/7 emergency services as well as complimentary estimates.

Commercial Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Commercial Restoration Presents Unique Challenges

SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County has the training, experience, and equipment to handle large commercial fire damage emergencies. Whether your fire emergency occurs in a restaurant, motel, or office building, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion. Learn more about SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County training and certifications.

Fire Damage in Fort Mill: What You Need To Know

11/16/2015 (Permalink)

Unfortunately, fire damage that impacts the walls of your house can also impact its frame.

Fort Mill Fire Damage: What You Need To Know

When an individual's residential property is hit with a fire, one of the most prevalent responses is panic and anxiety. This emotional response makes sense in light of the fact that fire damage in Fort Mill can result in health hazards and adversely impact the structural integrity of one's living space. However, learning more about what fire damage entails and how you can effectively restore your property can help you maintain the sense of emotional equilibrium necessary to successfully sail through the experience. Here are some basic facts you need to know:

Structural Damage

 Structural damage is a prevalent outcome of a fire. Unfortunately, fire damage that impacts the walls of your house can also impact its frame. Specifically, the walls become weaker and cannot support the weight from the structure above.

Soot and Smoke Damage

 The black, oily substance that is left following a fire is called soot. If left unaddressed, soot can generate long-term damage to furniture, walls, and other regions of your residential property. Unfortunately, soot soaks into anything it touches and can be difficult to remove if the surface of the affected structure is not replaced.

Electrical Damage

 In some cases, fires do not burn the property's wiring. However, the heat created by the fire can be significant enough to melt the casing on the wire. This will increase your susceptibility to electrical failure and electrical fires. For this reason, the home inspections completed after the fire should incorporate a complete check of the property's electrical system.

Getting Professional Help

 Once you realize that your home has been impacted by fire damage, getting professional help is a must. If you do not attain professional assistance, you can increase your property's susceptibility to health hazards and structural damage. Fire damage specialists possess the experience, expertise, and education necessary to limit and even eradicate each of these issues.

Let SERVPRO Assist You

 As many homeowners know, Fort Mill fire damage can be an expensive and exhausting reality to grapple with. When it's time for you to contact a team of remediation specialists to help you, choose the talented technicians of SERVPRO. Our holistic approach to the fire damage restoration process results in the complete restoration of your residential property. Our IICRC-certified technicians are ready to assist you now, so call us immediately at 803-324-5780 to attain the professional help you need and deserve!

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Fort Mill Fire Damage Call for Help

10/6/2015 (Permalink)

Keep the Fire in the Right Place

SERVPRO Returns Your Fort Mill Home After Fire Damage to Pre-Fire Condition

Once a fire has caused fire damage to your residential property in Fort Mill, you may find yourself wondering if your home will ever look as pristine and perfect as it once did. This concern is logical given that fires often leave burnt ceilings and walls as it leaves smoldering furniture with unsightly ash and soot. Although witnessing the negative impact that fire can have on your home can be disheartening, please realize that fire damage restoration of your property is close by. To make it happen, you need to call a certified, qualified fire damage contractor like SERVPRO. Learn more about how these professional contractors can help restore your property by reviewing this short outline.

Equipment and Expertise

There are numerous reasons that hiring fire damage restoration experts from SERVPRO can prove beneficial for your home after a fire damaging event. They have the licensing, equipment, training, and experience necessary to complete the job from start to finish while relieving you of the stress of orchestrating the repair of your home. Additionally, the educational background that these contractors possess, IICRC training, empowers them to ensure that your residential property passes the safety and building codes of your community. Our technicians understand that fires cause smoke to seep into your walls as well as other hard surfaces of the property. Unfortunately, this can result in your property smelling of smoke unless the issue is addressed. Our certified Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) treat your home in Fort Mill expediently and thoroughly.  Our technicians utilize specialized equipment to eradicate unwanted smells and correctly remove soot buildups.

Additionally, our fire damage experts will make use of specific equipment and tools to eliminate water damage caused by the firefighters putting out the flames. Standing water can lead to mold growth that could bloom in 48-72 hours after the water intrusion. Our technicians can restore your property to its former state by replacing ceilings, walls, flooring, and other structural damage.

Ensuring Your Safety

Many fire damage experts will caution you about attempting a DIY project to start the cleanup process right after a fire. Your property may not be safe for reentry. Hidden dangers from damaged building materials, slippery standing water, and noxious fumes are several reasons for caution.

If your Fort Mill home has been the victim of fire damage, consider the leader in the fire damage restoration industry. The SERVPRO  local crews can be at your home within one hour of your house fire to give you support and the highest degree of customer service.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780 

Residential Fire Damage in Fort Mill

9/28/2015 (Permalink)

Don't Let Your Kitchen Get Toasted!

SERVPRO Can Restore Your Fort mill Home After Fire Damage

Many homeowners in Fort Mill know fires can result in significant fire damage to one's residential property. However, knowing how to deal with the aftermath of a fire can help you limit damages, save money, and remain calm throughout the restoration process. Learn more about how to complete the fire damage restoration process effectively by reviewing this short outline:

The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) states that roughly 40% of house fires start in the kitchen. Space heaters are the second most prevalent cause for fire damage in a home. Other leading causes of fire damage include cigarettes, candles, and electrical fires. The extent of fire damage caused by a house fire can depend upon the kind of fuel burned by the fire. Fires that involve oil or plastics can cause a sooty film to seep throughout your home by way of walls, crawlspaces, and ductwork. Fires that burn wood leave smoke and smoke odor.

Smoke Damage

Following a fire that is not severe, you may be able to clean your draperies and curtains. Additionally, you may be able to clean your ceilings and walls with a detergent, but this is highly ill-advised. If any soot has been left behind as a residue, call the professional fire damage restoration experts from SERVPRO. Even a small fire, depending upon the combusted fuel, can leave soot that requires specialized equipment and technical skill and training to remove properly.  If repainting is needed, at least there is a solid base so that good results can be had.

Your Flooring

Small fires will typically cause damage to your flooring. In the case of a kitchen fire, hot grease can hit the floor and thereby cause discoloration. If your floors are covered with ceramic tiles, you will often be able to start the cleanup process with some effort and have decent results. Hardwood flooring is quite durable as long as secondary water damage has not been too drastic. It may necessitate sanding and a refinish. Vinyl tile and laminates are most susceptible to fire damage from the flames or heat. In some cases, only the damaged regions of these flooring types will be in need of replacement. Carpeted areas subjected to fire damage will require replacement.

Water Damage and Structural Problems

Fires cause at least some water damage to the properties they impact. Every area subjected to water damage will require cleaning. The water damaged rooms will need to be cleaned up expediently to prevent mold growth. The cleanup process will involve water extraction and then drying and dehumidifying. 

Call SERVPRO For Excellent Fire Damage Restoration

When your residential property in Fort Mill is impacted by fire damage, obtaining excellent, expedient restoration services is a must. The professionals of SERVPRO are known for working with speed and skill to eradicate water damage, mold, and any other issue that results from the fire. Our IICRC-certified technicians are passionate about getting the job done well and fast, and we're also pleased to provide you with 24/7 emergency assistance to expedite the cleanup process.

Have Fire Damage? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned, with National Resources

We are proud to be an active member of this community. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is locally owned and operated so we’re already nearby and ready to help Fort Mill residents and business owners with any-sized fire and smoke damage emergencies.

The Dangers of a Fire Damaged House in Clover

9/22/2015 (Permalink)

Safety First for Any House Fire

Fire Damage in Clover Calls for Caution

Building experts know, houses damaged by fires in Clover are dangerous to residents. There are numerous safety risks that fire damaged houses can pose, including unstable structures and pooling water. It behooves you to be aware of the risks that result from a fire-damaged home.

Pooling Water

Pooling water can present major risks, the most important one being the danger of electrocution. Following a fire, one of the primary concerns you'll need to attend to is standing water. To handle any water issues with expedience and efficacy, it is important to call a professional company like SERVPRO.  In addition to increasing your susceptibility to electric shock or worse, pooling water can also bring about slipping hazards. In addition to making floors dangerously slick, water can diminish your ability to remove large items that are being damaged by the water such as couches and mattresses. Finally, pooling water can generate the development of mildew and mold in your home. Thus, while water is not technically considered to be a danger, it can cause serious water damage to your property if left unchecked.

Smoke, Soot and Debris

Fire damage results of smoke,soot and other debris can cover your floor and walls following a fire. Note that this miscellaneous debris can be hazardous. For example, soot is known to irritate the lungs and increases susceptibility to respiratory issues. Since this is the case, it's important to double-layer with cheesecloth all a/c registers to inhibit exposure to airborne soot within the ductwork. Also, be sure to discard the debris with gloves. Sounds difficult in an already traumatic situation? Then call a professional fire restoration company like SERVPRO to do the heavy lifting. Your HVAC system should be inspected for fire damaged related issues including oily based soot that, if dispersed through the ductwork, can spread problems to areas not affected directly by the fire.

Structural Damage

When a fire is severe, it can cause pressing fire damage related problems to the structure of your house in Clover. The fire department will determine whether it is safe for entry for initiating water removal, cleanup, and repair. In the event that the structure is in need of restorative services, obtaining assistance from SERVPRO, a premier fire damage restoration company makes sense. Your insurance adjuster can communicate and coordinate the restoration effort with SERVPRO.

Always be prudent around the vicinity of your home in Clover after a devastating fire. Safety always comes first. Let SERVPRO, with its highly trained and skilled technicians, using state-of-the-art equipment, work on your fire-damaged home.  From water removal to cleanup to repair and restoration, relax and let the pros take over.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Clover community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Why You Should Secure a Professional Smoke and Fire Damage Restoration Service for Rock Hill

9/21/2015 (Permalink)

Keep These Flames Away from Your House

Fire Damage Resulting in Smoke and Soot Can be Cleaned by SERVPRO

Although there are many challenging factors that homeowners have to deal with in Rock Hill following a major event, fire damage, and smoke removal are two of the most difficult. However, tackling the smoke damage removal process is critically important after the fire. In many cases, homeowners are inclined to reenter their home directly after the fire for the purpose of checking the fire damage. The attempt to start the cleanup process may feel like a pressing matter, but the best course of action is to call in SERVPRO to start the complicated restoration process. There are several reasons why doing so is important. Here are two:

Smoke Damage Restoration Requires Special Equipment

One of the reasons that you should leave smoke damage removal,the result of fire damage, to the professionals is that thoroughly completing the job necessitates the use of specific, industrial-grade equipment. Industry experts from SERVPRO know that smoke and soot can seep into your walls, carpeting, clothing and furniture infusing an odor and film that are extremely difficult to remove. Health issues are another matter that won't be discussed here. Masking a persistent odor problem is not a professional solution. The best methodology for eliminating these odors is thermal fogging using specific products for absorption and removal. These technicians from SERVPRO are IICRC trained. Therefore, the correct procedures are followed.

Smoke Damage Restoration Requires Industry Expertise

In addition to possessing the specialized equipment necessary to complete the smoke damage restoration process, these technicians have the experience necessary to expedite the project. It is necessary to understand what types of smoke and soot are present and which chemicals will be required to remove them. An example would be the presence of smoke odor coming from the wood. This specific type of smoke odor requires the use of cleaning products that differ from what one would use for smoke odor resulting from plastics. If you are unfamiliar with the kind of smoke odor and residue present, you can risk further damages to possessions by improper cleaning. Fortunately, smoke damage remediation professionals from SERVPRO possess the expertise necessary to complete this aspect of the restoration process quickly and correctly.

Fire damage to your Rock Hill home can result in many ancillary effects. Although dealing with smoke damage removal can be frustrating and difficult, obtaining professional help from SERVPRO can simplify the process so that you witness the speedy recovery of your home to its pre-fire and smoke damage condition. We're pleased to be a team of trained technicians who use the most cutting edge equipment and customized methodologies to get the job done fast and save you money.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Rock Hill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

How A Professional Fire Restoration Company in Rock Hill Saves You Time and Money

9/17/2015 (Permalink)

Wild Fires Are An Ever Present Danger

In Rock Hill, Hiring a Professional Fire Damage Restoration Company Does It All

Unfortunately, house fires cause millions upon millions of dollars in damages to residential properties all across the country. Once a house fire has happened in Rock Hill, it's important that you call a professional company that has extensive experience in the fire restoration industry. Because fire damage restoration is the only effective methodology through which an individual can restore damaged property following a fire, hiring a company like SERVPRO is the answer. The following information outlines how such a company can relieve you of the nuances of fire damage restoration.

A Professional Fire Restoration Company Use Special Equipment

One of the reasons for using fire restoration services is the quality and quantity of equipment that these trained technicians have at their disposal. Some of these tools include chemical cleansers, ozone generators, specialized air-moving machines, and industrial-strength dehumidifiers. Using this equipment correctly is the best way to complete the job quickly and preclude excess damage from befalling your property. Once a fire has happened, water damage is your most pressing concern. Fire restoration professionals from SERVPRO know how to make use of equipment to reduce susceptibility to deeper damage, thereby saving you time and money. 

A Professional Fire Restoration Company May Use Multiple Contractors

Another reason for hiring a professional fire restoration company is beneficial because the company has the contacts to employ outside contractors to expedite the cleanup and repair of your home, if necessary. Full effort enhances the celerity of the restoration process. SERVPRO works to coordinate separate tasks simultaneously, in this way, moving the job faster. It also enables the homeowner to focus her or his energy on different matters, including insurance arrangements. Insurance paperwork executed on behalf of you is an important aspect of the reach and professionalism of SERVPRO. Two of the tasks that homeowners need to have addressed after a fire has occurred are the securing of your home's structure and the prevention of secondary water damage. These important factors are attacked with speed and precision to optimize the home restoration process. 


While homeowners in Rock Hill will have to handle a wide range of property issues over the course of a lifetime, dealing with a fire can be particularly problematic and daunting. However, attaining professional fire restoration services can enable you to get your home back in great shape with lightning speed. To attain the most customized, contemporary remediation services, call the professionals of SERVPRO. Our staff works with unprecedented diligence and determination to solve each of your fire damage issues, and we always offer our excellent services at affordable prices. Call now and let us start the restoration process for you!

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Rock Hill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

How an electrical fire can affect your Rock Hill home

9/14/2015 (Permalink)

Inspect your Rock Hill property for faulty wiring, shorts, and loose wires that could increase susceptibility to electrical fire.

Electrical Fires 101 - how they can affect your Rock Hill Home

While there are many causes for fires in the home, electrical fires are a particularly difficult type to grapple with. In fact, the Electrical Safety Foundation International reports that around 51,000 of fires that take place on residential properties are electrical. These fires cause over 1,400 injuries, 500 deaths, and roughly $1.3 billion in damage to your property. To ensure that electrical fires do not become a big issue in your Rock Hill home, the SERVPRO experts advise implementing the following safety strategies:

• Inspect your property for faulty wiring, shorts, and loose wires that could increase susceptibility to electrical fire. When you note any issues, call a certified electrician to fix them. Also be sure to make use of safety covers on any outlet that a child has access to. 
• Make sure that a smoke detector is installed on each level of your home. Also be sure that the smoke detectors are functioning properly. 
• Turn off any electrical equipment that produces an unusual spark, smell, or sound.
• Replace or repair frayed, cracked, or loose cords. Do not place your cords in high traffic regions of the home. Also refrain from placing them under rugs or carpets.  
• Make use of surge protectors to keep your appliances safe. 
• Keep flammables stored far from your electrical appliances. 
• Have an ark fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) installed in the house. These devices monitor circuits to assess any dangerous arcing conditions. 
• Do not allow children to climb any trees located near a power line. 

Smoke Alarms

Ask the following questions to ensure that your smoke alarms are functioning effectively:

• Did you test them?
• Are they working properly?
• Are there enough alarms in the home?  

Switches and Outlets

Ask the following questions to ensure that your switches and outlets are functioning effectively:

• Do the plugs fit correctly?
• Are they warm to the touch?
• Do they work properly?
• Do they make any unusual sounds? (sizzling, buzzing, or crackling)

Lamps and Appliances

• Are you using the right bulbs?
• Do you use space heaters safely?
• Are appliance cords protected from damage? 

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned, with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Rock Hill community and want to pitch in and help make our community the best it can be.

Recovery Planning From a Small Business Fire in Rock Hill

9/9/2015 (Permalink)

Disasters can strike at any time, so it’s beneficial to have a plan of attack ready if you’re a small business owner.

Recovery Planning From a Small Business Fire 

Disasters can strike at any time, so it’s beneficial to have a plan of attack ready if you’re a small business owner. It doesn’t matter if it’s weather-related, one caused by faulty technology or even the result of human error, the economic devastation that a Rock Hill fire can wreak on a business can be overwhelming. So it’s important to be prepared for even a small disruption of service in order to keep the economic engine humming.

Technology Troubles
One of the most vital areas that can be affected is a company’s Information Technology department. That’s because proprietary information that was only available on a server that might have been damaged from Rock Hill fire could put the fate of the company up in the air. 

The aspect of natural disasters is just as dangerous to whatever technology a company is using. In virtually every case, any modern company will have information pertaining to their clients on a server or computer, so the loss of that data can have a lethal effect on a company’s business.

The Safety of Personnel
Of course, the dangers of Rock Hill fires can be mitigated by simply making sure that the employees and staff of your company are protected from harm’s way. Those people should be issued a list of exits and escape routes should a disaster of this nature occur. By knowing how to quickly leave a dangerous area, the main issue of dealing with the emergency can be addressed.

Making Other Arrangements
In addition, making arrangements to store data away from the business itself, as well as backing it all up on a daily basis, will keep it from being lost forever if a Rock Hill fire happens to take place. In some cases, necessary equipment or office-related material may be just as important to the everyday running of the company.

The Dangers of Inaction
Having plans in place offers more hope of resuming operations more quickly, since a disaster often serves as the death knell for far too many businesses. It helps to have regular meetings in order to brainstorm potential ideas that can help the entire company.

In short, planning for failure (or disaster in this case) is always better than failing to plan, so by using this advice, a small business can be nimble enough to stay viable during a crisis.

Have Questions? Call Us Today –(803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

How Fire and Water Damage Can Destroy Your Fort Mill Property

9/8/2015 (Permalink)

Put Out the Fire and Repair and Restore

Why Fire Damage in a Fort Mill House Needs Quick Restoration

When it comes to house fires, both the water and fire damage that results from it can be dangerous to your Fort Mill home. While fire can destroy the structural integrity of your home, water damage can generate the growth of mold and mildew. To minimize the effects of this two-pronged attact to your home, it is important that you attain professional assistance. Structural problems and health issues are at the top of the remediation priority list. Water and fire damage specialists can handle the cleanup and restoration processes to help minimize health risks, increase safety, and preserve the structural integrity of your home. To learn more about the dangers posed by fire damage and how professionals like SERVPRO can assist you, refer to the following outline: 

How Fire Damage Affects Your Fort Mill Property

Although many people think of fire damage in terms of the fire itself, the smoke produced by the fire can be equally deadly. Smoke contains toxic materials, and this toxicity can be an irritant to humans who inhale it. Most fire related deaths are attributed to smoke inhalation and super heated air and not the actual flames. Additionally, the fire itself can engulf your property in its flames within a matter of moments. If this happens, your valuable possessions could be destroyed, and you could be left dealing with smoky odors that are difficult to eliminate. House fires can also send smoke and soot through your plumbing fixtures, walls, electrical conduits, and duct work. Smoke and soot can migrate through each layer of your property in just a few minutes. 

How Water Damage Destroys Your Property

Like fire damage, water damage possesses the ability to destroy the structure of your home. However, the biggest problem with water damage is that it can precipitate the growth of mold and mildew and, create damage to your furnishings, clothing, art, appliances and electronic components. But mold can make you susceptible to a wide range of unwanted health problems such as cancer and immune disorders. Additionally, mold can cause substantive lung damage. Typically mold thrives in humid, damp conditions. For this reason, property damaged by water is an opportunistic breeding ground for the fungi. It only takes 48-72 hours for mold to begin proliferating in damp or wet conditions, and this is why immediately addressing excess moisture in your home is so important. 


Both water and fire damage degrade your home.  A professional fire restoration company like SERVPRO can expediently get your home back to its previous condition. For many years, the company's trained technicians have been providing homeowners with the detail-oriented care necessary to get their homes back to like it never happened. We're ready to start the restoration process today, so call us now and let's schedule your consultation.

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be. 

The Importance Of Attaining Professional Fire Damage Repairs in Rock Hill

8/25/2015 (Permalink)

Fire Damaged Roof Needs Professional Repair

A Fire Damaged Rock Hill Home Needs Restoration

When a Rock Hill homeowner finds himself grappling with a fire in his home, the first instinct is often to run back into the house to remove any valuable possessions. However, this activity can present a host of problems given that fire damage tends to weaken the structural integrity of the house. Additionally, the smoke that results from the house fire can generate toxic chemicals that cause health problems if inhaled. It is wise to stay out of the structure, therefore, preventing the possibilities of injuries from these dangers. It is important to obtain professional fire damage repair services. Restoration companies possess the expertise, experience, and equipment necessary to restore order to your home in Rock Hill. Learn more about the value of attaining professional fire damage repair services by reviewing the following information:

Assessing Fire Damage Repairs

One of the first and most important services a professional restoration company will offer is the assessment of your fire damage. To accomplish this work, the company's professionals will complete a fire damage assessment. The task will consider both exterior and interior fire damage that have affected your property. This process includes numerous steps. Specific tools to measure damage, inspecting for hidden structural damage and taking pictures of the property are just a few of the required steps. Coordination between you, your insurance company and SERVPRO is a good first step.

Fire Damage Repair Services

A professional restoration company is skilled in offering a wide range of helpful fire damage repair services and should specialize in fire and water damage restoration. Restoring your residential property to its original condition as quickly as possible demands experience, equipment and a sense of urgency. First comes the repair and then the restoration to your home. Some of the services provided are:  

• Removing and replacing drywall or flooring that has been damaged by water

• Preventing mildew and mold growth by drying excess water from your property

• Rebuilding and reinforcing your home's structure

• Using tools like ozone machines and dehumidifiers to eliminate smoky smells and moisture from your property

• Replacing plumbing fixtures or appliances so that your home can regain its original condition 


As made clear by the information listed above, a professional fire restoration company can offer a wide range of restorative services once your home has fire damage. As a company committed to consistently offering ethical, excellent work, you can count on the professionals of SERVPRO to provide you with the precise, effective fire damage repair services you deserve. We're ready to assist you if the need should ever arise.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

How the Pros Handle Fire Restoration In Tega Cay

8/18/2015 (Permalink)

Severe fire damage can occur to your Tega Cay home

How the Pros Handle Fire Restoration in Tega Cay after a Fire

 When it comes to fire damage in Tega Cay things can get pretty ugly relatively quickly if you've dealt with a fire. Even after the fire is put out, you'll still have residual damage that can get worse if it is not taken care of by a fire restoration company like SERVPRO. The way that our  company works is by helping to restore the original glory of your home and remove any and all damage that might be present. Whether you have fire damage, or you have water damage because of the fire being put out, SERVPRO is there to assist you. When you first make the decision to hire SERVPRO for your Tega Cay fire damage and fire restoration, you'll want to contact us so that we can come out and assess the damage. Our professional will take a thorough look at the area to see what type of damage is present and what is needed for restoration.  This could be anything from replacing walls to replacing piping and flooring. You will love the fact that SERVPRO takes care of all of the heavy work for you  Because damage left after a fire can leave years worth of damage to your home, it is important to hire a professional as soon as you can.  SERVPRO can prevent the damage from becoming much worse, and it is especially important for the overall health of your family.  It can be unhealthy to live around water damage, mold growth and even soot that might have been left over by the fire that has since been put out by the local fire department. When you have Tega Cay fire damage in your home, fire restoration by SERVPRO is your next step. This ensures that you have a beautiful home that is well taken care of and one that will leave you free from worry. Restoring a home or business after a fire can be a daunting task, but it is nice to know that the entire job can be left to our experts.Be sure to contact SERVPRO if you need more information on the services that we can offer to you. 

Have Smoke or Fire Damage? Call (803) 324-5780

Locally Owned Company with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your smoke or fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Fort Mill community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

How Electrical Sparks in Rock Hill Can Trigger a Fire Disaster

8/5/2015 (Permalink)

Prevention is the best method to keep your family and property safe. Your Rock Hil SERVPRO can help. Electrical power has become an essential part of

Electrical power has become an essential part of Rock Hill everyday life.

In 2013, electricity consumption in the United States totaled nearly 3,831 billion kilowatt-hours.

According to the US Department of Energy, people in Rock Hill use electricity to charge their cell phones and laptops, wash and dry their clothes, cook meals, brew their morning cup of coffee and heat their businesses. Electrical power keeps people connected and allows people to do what they need to do. Even though most Americans recognize the benefits that come with electrical power, they must also understand that there is a responsibility that needs to be taken seriously to avoid injury or possible disaster.

According to Electrical Safety Foundation International, more than 50,000 fires in the home are attributed to electrical fires. These have resulted in almost 500 deaths and more than 1,400 injuries. The damage that has been done has totaled to more than $1.3 billion. Obviously, being careless with electrical power has very serious consequences.

The experts at the Rock Hill SERVPRO recommend that individuals follow these safety measures in their business and home to reduce the risk of electrical fires:

• Inspect your home and business for loose wires, faulty wiring, and shorts. If there are any issues, contact a qualified electrician. Also, use safety covers on outlets to protect children.

• Make sure there are smoke detectors on each level of your home or business. Test them each month to make sure they are working properly.

• If electrical equipment is making strange sounds or has a weird odor, turn them off. If there is water damage on your property, make sure that an expert inspects all electrical appliances. Do not plug them in or turn them on until they are safe. When water has damaged electrical appliances, they can be very dangerous.

• Use safe cord practices. When cords are loose, frayed or cracked, repair them or replace them. Never place cords in high traffic areas, under rugs, or stapled to surfaces. Additional outlets can be installed by an electrician if necessary. Extension cords should only be utilized temporarily.

• Light bulb wattage should be correct for the appliance being used.

• During spring cleaning and while working near service meters or electrical lines, use caution. Consider hiring a Rock Hill professional to do the work if it is dangerous.

• Flammable items should be kept away from electrical appliances.

• Consider installing an arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) to reduce the chances of electrical fire in your home.

• Avoid using electrical power tools outside after it has rained, or the area is wet. Never operate electrical equipment while barefoot.

• Do not allow children to climb trees near power lines. Reduce the risk of electrical-related injuries by keeping balloons, kites, and other items away from overhead lines.

Prevention is the best method to keep your family and property safe. If you have experienced property damage because of fire, you can rely on your Rock Hill SERVPRO.

Locally Owned, with National Resources

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County is close by and ready to respond to your fire damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Rock Hill community and want to pitch in and help make our community the best it can be.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

Fort Mill Electrical Fire Safety Tips

7/15/2015 (Permalink)

Fort Mill fire safety

Electrical Fire Safety Tips

One of the most common causes of fire in American homes is faulty electrical wiring and electrical malfunctions. In fact, electrical malfunctions are responsible for nearly 15 percent of all house fires across the nation and lead to thousands of dollars in losses for homeowners and businesses alike. Unlike flooding, hurricanes or tornadoes, the risk of an electrical fire can be reduced and even prevented in some cases. Read on to learn how you can help preserve the integrity of your home or business with some simple electrical Fort Mill fire prevention tips.

Electrical Fire Facts and Figures

More than 25,000 electrical fires are reported in the United States each year and result in the injuries or deaths of approximately 1,500 Americans. These figures are proof that electrical safety cannot be overstated. Because electrical fires often cause more property damage than their non-electrical counterparts, they tend to be more costly than other types of Fort Mill fires.

Don’t Overload Electrical Outlets

The simplest method of avoiding the Fort Mill electrical fire hazard is to avoid the overloading of electrical sockets. Socket overload occurs when a person plugs too many cords into a single outlet, power strip or extension cord. A classic example is the full power strip attached to an extension cord and plugged into a single outlet.

To help avoid a Fort Mill fire from electrical outlet overload, be sure to purchase power strips that feature built-in overload protection. Overload protection will automatically shut the power strip down in the event of an overload to help prevent an electrical fire.

Don’t Use Damaged Plugs or Cords

Regularly inspect the cords to your appliances and electronics to avoid the hazard of frayed and damaged electrical cords. You may want to schedule a quarterly inspection of your home or business to locate any exposed wire or damaged connectors.

Hire a Home Inspector

If you live in an older home, you are likely to have outdated wiring systems. Even if your home is relatively new, you may still be able to benefit from a home inspector’s services, as electrical contractors have been known to cut corners or perform shoddy work. The cost of a home inspection is far less expensive than the cost generated by an electrical fire. As with any contractor, be sure that the home inspector is qualified to perform the job before granting permission to work on your property.


What To Do After A Fire

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting us.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. The wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

Know how to properly use a fire extinguisher to protect your Fort Mill or Rock Hill home or business from fire damage

6/30/2015 (Permalink)

Fire safety

Everyone knows what a fire extinguisher looks like, but when it comes to operating one, do you know how to use it in case of an emergency? In the moment of a disaster, such as a fire, our ability to stay calm and think rationally isn’t always there. It’s very important to know how to use a fire extinguisher ahead of time so that we know what to do if a fire ever breaks out. There most likely won’t be time to read the label once you realize the fire has started. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the best way to remember how to use a fire extinguisher is by remembering the word PASS.

How to use a fire extinguisher

Pull the pin. Hold the fire extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.

Aim low. Point the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.

Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.

Sweep the nozzle from side to side.

Fire extinguisher maintenance

According to fire-extinguisher101, fire extinguishers should be maintained at least once a year.

Make sure that the extinguisher is always in a convenient location to grab and is not blocked by anything, in case of an emergency.

Check the pressure of the extinguisher by the gauge attached to it to make sure that the pressure is within the recommended level.

Make sure the nozzle or other parts of the extinguisher are not tampered with and the pin is in tact.

Check for dents, leaks, rust or other signs of abuse/wear.

Always make sure to recharge extinguishers after use no matter how much they were used.

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Don’t let soot damage settle in your Fort Mill,SC or Rock Hill,SC home

6/30/2015 (Permalink)

Soot damage

The time to act on fire damage restoration is unfortunately right after the disaster happens. At the time of the devastating incident, many people are not in the right state of mind to act quickly and get the area cleaned up and restored. This is where companies, such as SERVPRO, come into play and help take care of the damage that has been done. According to the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification, delays in fire damage clean up can have serious consequences. Acidic soot residue can cause permanent damage to areas of the household over time.

·      Within minutes of the fire being extinguished: The residue can cause a discoloration to materials such as, plastic, marble and alabaster.

·      Within hours: The acidic soot residue can cause permanent discoloration or yellowing of furniture in the household, such as bath fixtures, countertops and unpolished metals.

·      Within days: Walls and flooring can start to be affected. The soot will cause discoloration of walls and corrosion of metals throughout the home. Flooring that is made out of vinyl or wood must be replaced or refinished and any clothing or upholstery will most likely be permanently stained.

·      Within weeks: Carpet can become unsalvageable and objects such as silver-plated fixtures, glass, crystal or china will become etched due to the long exposure to the residue.

Although the restoration process can be done with extensive vacuuming and cleanup, it is a process that sometimes requires the proper equipment and time to get the job done. Restoration companies have the equipment to help save you hundreds of dollars in valuables and time to get the job done effectively and efficiently. With the proper tools, there is more chance for the removal of stains, damage and odor removal to take, leaving you with less of a headache and salvaged items.

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What Is A Fort Mill Fire Restorer?

6/3/2015 (Permalink)

Fort Mill Fire Damage

In the past, when a Fort Mill fire damage occurred, it often meant the complete destruction of property. Advanced fire-fighting techniques have allowed the preservation of structures, although the damage may be severe. A fire restorer is a contractor that is called in after a fire in Fort Mill to reduce the effects of smoke, heat and flames, so that properties can be returned to normal use. Fire restorers use specialized equipment and techniques to mitigate damage and return your property to clean and safe use.  

Why You Should Hire A Fire Restorer

A professional fire restorer has the knowledge and equipment to provide the water removal and odor eradication properties need after a fire. Water damage from fire-fighting procedures can cause as much damage as the fire itself. Fort Mill restoration services can remove moisture from the area, so that further damage does not occur. In addition, they have the knowledge and training in techniques that remove offensive odors from the property so that it is usable again.   

Fire Restoration Equipment

Fort Mill fire restorers use a variety of specialized equipment to remove smoke odors and moisture from homes and businesses. The first consideration is the safety of the technician, who must wear protective clothing, gloves and a respirator to prevent damage from contact with hazardous elements. Ozone machines are brought in to generate ozone, a gas used to destroy molecules that create the foul smoke odor. These machines are expensive and highly technical and should only be used by those who have received specialized training. Another important piece of equipment is the industrial-strength dehumidifier. These machines are many times more powerful than the common household humidifiers and are used to remove moisture from the property. The timing of water removal is critical because moisture can cause significant damage to property if left in place. Industrial-strength dehumidifies can quickly and efficiently remove moisture from buildings to prevent further damage.  

Benefits of Using A Professional Fire Restorer

A professional fire restorer has the knowledge, experience and equipment to 

  • Remove moisture and odors, according to industry-approved standards to ensure the safety of their customers
  • Provide the manpower needed for fast restoration of the property
  • Utilize their training and experience to tailor their efforts to individual properties’ needs
  • Understands how to work with insurance companies to ensure customer’s needs are served
  • Years of experience enable the restorer to bring the property back into use as quickly as possible.  

How Is Fire Restoration Done?

Fire Restoration in Fort Mill begins with a thorough examination of the property to assess the amount of damage and the areas that require the most intensive treatment. Because of the variety of different compounds that can be found in buildings, different methods of cleaning and treatment may be used. Natural substances such as paper, wood and metal may require removal or cleaning. Protein-based substances leave a greasy residue that requires special cleaning techniques. Synthetic substances leave a residue that can be toxic and also requires special techniques. Odors left behind may require a variety of techniques to completely eliminate them from the premises. An experienced fire restorer will know the right compounds and techniques that should be used for each of these circumstances.  

Fire restoration techniques are continually being improved and updated. If your property has been damaged by fire, contacting a professional fire restoration company will be able to use its expertise, training and experience to restore it to full use and complete safety.  

Fire Damage Restoration

We understand that smoke and fire damage is both devastating and disruptive to your family or business. SERVPRO of Rock Hill & York County Professionals respond quickly to repair fire, smoke, and soot damage, including: 

  • Fire damage cleanup
  • Smoke and soot damage cleaning and repair
  • Cleaning your home's contents and belongings
  • Eliminating fire and smoke odor and deodorization

Grilling and fire pit safety tips to prevent fire damage this summer at your Fort Mill or Rock Hill home

5/29/2015 (Permalink)

As the weather gets warmer, we transition from spending all of our time bundled up inside, to spending every minute we can outdoors in the sun. We’re excited to finally trade the stove for a grill and the fireplace for a fire pit in the backyard. As we drag the summer appliances out and set up the backyard to get ready for the summer, we have to keep the proper safety precautions in mind to avoid fire damage. According to the National Fire Protection Association, every year grilling causes an average of 8,800 home fires.

Grill safety tips:

  • There should be a 3-foot clearance surrounding the grill making sure that there are no kids or pets within this range
  • Position the grill far away from home siding, deck railings, and out from underneath overhangs or branches
  • Periodically remove grease buildup from the trays below the grill to prevent grease fires
  • Make sure to buy the proper starter fluid for charcoal grills and never add the fluid once the grill has already been ignited
  • If using a propane grill, check the propane cylinder hose for leaks each year to make sure that it is not leaking gas while cooking

Fire pit safety tips:

  • Before lighting the fire, make sure that the lid can fit over top of the material inside of the pit in case of an emergency
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or hose nearby
  • Do not use flammable fluid to start or relight the fire
  • Keep the fire pit well away from flammable materials and fluids
  • Do not burn trash, leaves, paper or cardboard that could spark or send hot particles through the air 

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Keep your family and home safe from fire damage by maintaining your smoke alarms

5/29/2015 (Permalink)

Smoke alarms have been a staple in the American home, but should not go unnoticed or taken for granted. According to the National Fire Protection Association, three out of five home fire deaths resulted from fires in properties that did not have working smoke alarms. The death rate per 100 reported home fires was more than twice as high in homes that did not have any working smoke alarms. Most smoke alarm failures are due to missing, disconnected or dead batteries. According to the NFPA, there are precautions to take when it comes to maintaining and checking your smoke alarms.

Smoke alarm safety tips

·      Install smoke alarms inside and outside of each bedroom or sleeping area. Every level of the home, including the basement should have smoke alarms installed.

·      It is recommended to have interconnected smoke alarms so that when one smoke alarm goes off, they all go off at once.

·      Test all smoke alarms at least once a month by hitting the test button on the smoke alarm.

·      Smoke alarms should be installed on the ceiling or high up on a wall.

·      Replace all smoke alarms at 10 years of use.

·      People that are hard of hearing can order special smoke alarms that include flashing strobe lights and bed shakers to alert the person within the property.

·      Make sure to talk with your children about the importance of smoke alarms and what to do in case of a fire.

·      There are two kinds of alarms: ionization and photoelectric

    o   Ionization smoke alarms are quicker to warn about flaming fires

    o   Photoelectric smoke alarms are quicker to warn about smoldering fires                          o   It is best to have both present in the home

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Why You Should Leave Fire and Flood Restoration to the Fort Mill Pros

5/29/2015 (Permalink)

Fort Mill,SC and Rock Hill,SC fire and flood team.

Why you should leave fire and flood restoration to the pros 

If you are looking to restore your home after a Fort Mill,SC area  fire and flood, the required methods will utilize advanced techniques and special equipment. Homeowners are capable of performing some of these methods themselves, but it is important that they do them in the correct order, as well as time everything perfectly and do certain parts of the steps simultaneously. For these reasons, it is best to leave this job to the professionals. Your home could potentially be changed in drastic ways by a flood or fire, so it is really the best decision to hire a professional restoration company to restore your home. They will be best able to address the experience and equipment requirements, as well as the danger that comes with the restoration process itself. 

During the Flood- or Fire-Related Restoration, Response Time is Crucial

After a Fort Mill,SC or Rock Hill,SC  it is critical that you act within 24 hours of the event in order to stop secondary water damage from damaging areas throughout your entire house. Otherwise, secondary damage in the form of mildew or mold that will grow and thrive in areas with a lot of moisture may be an issue. This secondary damage can potentially cause just as much if not even more damage than did the original event. Additionally, it is essential that you make haste in dealing with multiple other issues that follow a flood or fire. The fact that there is so much to deal with makes it challenging to handle any one of these issues with the care that it needs in order to preserve the integrity of your home. If you hire a professional restoration company, you can be confident that they will have the experience necessary, as well as the labor available, to take care of every issue that may potentially need to be addressed, simultaneously making sure that your belongings will not be damaged any more than they already have been.

Restoration Presents Potential Danger

There are many ways in which you can be injured after a Fort Mill fire or flood has taken place in your home. You can experience an electric shock if standing water is present, for example. Also, you will need to move all of your belongings within the home several times during the process of restoration, which can be dangerous in two ways. The first is that the wet floors can be slippery, and you can fall and injure yourself. The second way in which this is dangerous is that heavy objects are even heavier when they are retaining water. As such, it would be best to hire a professional company to take care of these jobs.

Restoration Necessitates Special Equipment

There are certain types of equipment to which the average homeowner will just not be able to access. Ozonation machines are one example; thy emit a toxic gas called "ozone" - this gas absorbs the odor of smoke in the building. Additionally, there will probably be areas within your home that you will not be able to clean, such as the HVAC system in your home. When a fire occurs, airborne debris such as soot will get stuck in the HVAC system, and it will take special training and special equipment to effectively clean it and restore it back to working condition.

It is more expensive to hire a professional restoration company; however, it is worth it. This is the easiest and likely best way to restore your house after a disaster has taken place. If you want to know more about how these companies work, contact one (or your insurance provider) with your questions.

SERVPRO® Damage Restoration

Residential and Commercial Restoration Services